One big can of worms!

Yeah it’s a bit much. Not sure about dash table. I’m surprised that nobody on here has had a pop at the restricted vision issue :smiley:

Mr Vain,
When do you get the time to keep that motor of yours so clean :question: I saw you at Huntingdon friday am & it was gleaming, I did give you a flash & a wave but you were hidden behind your curtain so you probably never saw me:!:

Good point about the dash mounted tables though, they create a huge blindspot, even more so when they are filled with coffee makers, laptops & all thge other ‘goodies’ :unamused:

My motor is a labour of love. Itake a lot of pride in its appearance. But some weeks it’s impossible to keep clean.

You should ask B.J if you can use his wash!

Who’s B.J?

Ignore what? and yr welcome :laughing: :laughing:

If this works i’ll be amazed!

thats disgusting one of the spots isn’t working

I can assure you it is. Its the angle from which the photo was taken. Do you seriously think i’d post a pic of my pride and joy if it weren’t all there
■■? :sunglasses:

BJ is in the office at Bartrums mate, or he was, John Yule. BJ= Big John. My dad worked at Bartrums back in the F7 and Seddon Atkinson days, we know a lot of the old drivers from that period. There is/was some good blokes there, BJ being one of them, (there werent nothing he wouldnt do, he ended up doing the long Sttrammit loads before going in the office)and Bussey who is now in the bulk office.

Ah yes. Sorry mate. weren’t thinking out of the box. i do wash down as often as possible there but quite often i’m chasing the clock :sunglasses:

i know mate, ive seen you and youre mates a few times giving it large!!

Giving it large■■? I have no idea what you mean :laughing: They are a good bunch to work for. I can’t speak highly enough of them.