One big can of worms!

Green = ANYTHING GOES!!! :laughing: :laughing:

Multi-coloured = NOT SURE OF ■■■■■■ PREFERENCE!!! :laughing: :laughing:

Maybe i should add my own thoughts at this time? Firstly i have to say i was never one for spending my hard earned on someone elses truck. Although i have a couple of mates that have spent a small fortune on their employers trucks. I can’t fault them. One guy often gets questioned on his motive for spending money on something thats not his, his reply is simple. many people spend money on council houses, they don’t belong to them either! Pride and passion is a major thing to me. I own my own truck and poetic license is my privilage. I feel there maybe a few on this forum that feel quite strongly about the blinged up kids! Live and let live. And obviously we won’t get to meet at truckfest, cos that has to the biggest collection of blingers on one field. You wouldn’t want to be seen anywhere near them. Please do Not take offence to my comments. And as for the peek a boo curtain brigade? i haven’t a clue why this is the craze, some of my curtain is on show, but i have seen quite a few that more than half fill the door, maybe thats a little excessive? But don’t knock some one for making the effort when you can’t be bothered. I’d love to post a pic of my motor, but i haven’t a clue how.


The fact that you googled it concerns me! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I didn`t google it, it was posted on here some time ago by Rob K if I remember correctly

Some people just don`t realise the significance of it, thats all

Oi!!! It was me who first started this urban myth… errr, I mean, issuing this warning on TruckNet a few years ago. It’s OK, you don’t need to thank me, all part of the service. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I have to say I am rather proud of how far my attempt at starting an urban myth actually got, it pops up on many a forum these days and one of my proudest moments was a couple of years ago when a driver on a ferry crossing I was on took the trouble to pass the warning on to me. A couple of months ago another driver on the Chunnel also told me about the significance of blue lights on the dash of a truck, that was the day I felt my work was done and I could move on and start my next myth. Watch this space. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

I once added a £0.79 air freshener to my cab,
all the other lads though i was a snob, :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I hope it was the Magic Tree variety?


which means at least half the cabs have 1 of those massive (12" x 6" x 6") battery opperated air fresheners stuck to the headliner above the door. so you get a regular periodic burst of air freshener

Isnt fresh air the stuff that comes through an open window? since when did fresh air smell like a chemical factory?? :laughing:

LOL, Coffee.

You are essential to the Trucknet Community Global Myth Engine, your mission was accomplished in good style! Congratulations :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Cant wait to see the next myth, :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I’d love to post a pic of my motor, but i haven’t a clue how.

easiest way is … open a free account with an online photo album site, such as photobucket, upload the pics from your PC to there. then copy and paste the link (thats the bottom link of the 4 available) to here, and this site will link to that image.
that`ll save all the messing about with resizing of images, so that they fit on the TN server

If this works i’ll be amazed!

works now - I added the IMG tags for you :wink: …Denis F

If this works i’ll be amazed! … in/008.jpg

close but no cigar.
Edit your post and paste the link, not the http link thats here

And again?

Can i have my cigar now? :sunglasses:

And again?

Not a big fan of bling myself,as I see the truck as a way to pay my bills,but that Scania is tastefully done,not over the top like some you see.


You certainly wouldnt want to forget to turn your lights off before you went to bed :smiley:

This isn’t mine, but this is what the trucks at our place get fitted at the factory.

Too many lights on that Scania for me & curtain pulled across the windows NO NO NO. :blush:

& I forgot my pet hate, super singles on the front axle & normal rims on the mid lift/tag YUK :exclamation: Make your mind up FFS, if your gonna have super singles put them on the mid lift/tag as well, if not stick to normal rims PLEASE :laughing:

Hey MrVain,
I seen you a couple of times, must say I agree, tastefully done, not too OTT.
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think it’s just another fashion phase we are going through, once the trucks start to look like Bangkok taxis, I think they will be a shift to a more subtle look, but what do I know I like orange liveried motors. :sunglasses:

Thanks for the copliments. Its been a lot of blood sweat and tears. The only reason i’m surfing the net right now and not polishing is cos it’s snowing here.
Make yr self known next time clarky. :smiley:

Will Do m8,

Once i can find a “decent” pic of my girl I shall put it up, give u all a right laff, u will be blown away! Not what u will be expecting at all.