Olympic park deliveries

Does anyone else on here deliver to the olympic park in london? if so can you tell me if you have issues with stupid rules or is it just me? had my scissors confiscated at the security check point because they werent in a locked tool box…

i went on monday, and its now a lot better than the last time i went, but from oct no booze at all will be allowed in your lorry if you are making a drop–why?
also why do they do a full check drugs/booze, bombs ect at m11 holding area then let you drive to site and not check you there?

i got checked at barking logistics centre, then again at north plaza, then again entering the media centre.

If they took anything off me on entry, they’d be ■■■■■■’ returnin’ it to me on the way out…

Whether it be beer, scissors or a stapler, it’s in my wagon that I live in all week, that’s my ■■■■■■’ house…

I’d be tempted to tell them, you can check the drivers area only, anything else and you better have a ■■■■■■’ warrant.

yes we go there all the time . and yes the security is tighter than than stobie’s pa’s skirt :slight_smile: and yes they are arrogant,none british( parsport holder’s ) :imp: .and the security firm G4S is obversly making a mint out of the eligal’s working for them,imergration should show up there one day. I realy did not like being told by a african national that my spelling was" crap " (i know it is ) and then they" tried ah they tried "to take my heart medication from my cab :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp: so it hat to be done jump in lock door’s put keetle on :slight_smile: then plod turned up ,amazing every thing was fine after that carry on drive “up your’s G4S” whith the stobire’s wave er sorry the “churchill” :slight_smile: so in short yes its c@&p

hate the place

just pulled out from there this morning, 2of os from our place was booked in for 7am at the M11 holding centre. i was finally sent down to tip at 10.45, does my head in why have a booking in time and then keep you hanging round

mind you i had to laugh when i went to book in the 2 security gaurds were arguing between themselves when one of them,said to the other one " why dont you zb off back to your own country" so jokingly i said “why dont both of you go back”, reckon thats `why i was kept waiting while our other driver got sent down after 20 minutes of waiting

have been back several times since, really had to laugh when security wanted me to open 123 bags of pipe fittings so they could check for contraban, i pointed out that i wasnt allowed on the back incase i fell off and he went away, another told me i couldnt drive onto site without safety glasses, and another told me i need to book a banksman for reversing, i really dont know where they found these guys, rentamuppet or morons’r’us would be good guesses.

well ive just read cola cowboys and it sounds like kuwait compound is a walk in the park compared the these guys.

Been in & out plenty of times, its a full blown disgrace they all barely speak English & its just ■■■■■■■ typical of what we’re prepared to put up with here. Why do I need to be checked for contraband by some Nigerian dimwit whose far more likely to be a member of some nutty son of allah crew than what I am? It could only happen here, the Gurkhas are quite good fun though & yes don’t get caught with any alcahol from this month onwards. Beware of the nutty German traffic control woman in their too she loves red carding you for anything she can.

Fly sheet

oh yeah, and i got written up for doing 16mph in a 15mph zone, and was told not to call the muppets walking behind me while reversing useless ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Does anyone else on here deliver to the olympic park in london? if so can you tell me if you have issues with stupid rules or is it just me? had my scissors confiscated at the security check point because they werent in a locked tool box…

You can’t have scissors, you may be tempted to stab someone in the eye with them.

I was very impressed with West Mids Police during the Tory Party Conference, they shut down Broad St and set up a screening point at Edgbaston where they took your stuff, scanned it, and then delivered it themselves. I was chuckling at watching a load of old bill handballing 11 cages full of stuff, mostly beer. :smiley: