Oldies Forum or Nostalgia thread - split?


How about splitting this forum in UK , Euro and Middle East?


Not answering for Rikki, PC, he can speak for himself, but it strikes me that it would be no easy task to do what you suggest. Quite apart from anything else some posts refer to preceding ones containing comments in more than one area.
This thread meanders along mainly because GS re-activated it, which is no bad thing, but most people who have specific areas of interest post appropriately in my experience. :wink: :slight_smile:

Just re-read your post and I see you used the word ‘forum’. I assumed you meant this thread and my comments above were made on that basis.
However, if you really meant that the ‘Oldies’ forum should be split I think you’ll find that that is a non-starter for reasons stated elsewhere (too many forums already) and would definitely get a ‘no’ vote from me. :slight_smile:

Having said all that, these last 2 posts (yours and mine) should really be in the ‘Feedback’ forum, so if I can transfer them there further comments from anyone should be directed accordingly. :slight_smile:

The forum doesnot have the ability to split lots of posts from throughout thread and regroup them in a new thread, the most we can do is split from a certain point,

the thread drifts a little but I feel it is worth keeping in its entirety rather than risk ruining it because we cannot make new coherent threads out of it