Ok…my turn now I think eagerbeaver started this thread as a joke/wind up, but there are some valid points to be made. I myself are under strict medical guidelines from DVLA, my licence is renewed every year, and i have to have blood tests, urine tests, cholestrol and blood levels checked, oh, and a treadmill test every 3 yrs ( it use to be 2 yrs ). I am a very fit 70 year old still driving abroad, across europe and down as far as Turkey
( couldnt stand that uk ■■■■ of 15 hour days with only a 9 off ) well i used to, but lost the job cos i wont do as i am told…anyway…i agree with some that a medical should be stringent, and more often for those who have not yet had a medical, or medical issues ( these are the most vulnerable, and the most dangerous drivers ) as Rob said, big fat drivers out of breath going up a flight of stairs, or others who cant undo a taut…seen them many times…those who insist on the peruvial fry--up
every morning, and wear the remains on their fat guts and vests.
Some moaned about why they still work in old age…i can only speak for myself, I LOVE IT…always have done, i prefer the old days, the modern ones are too restrictive…we have trouble breathing sometimes cos the planners are under stress, so they push us ( try to ) to the limits, tight schedules or too many deliveries thats almost impossible to complete ( not for me, i take them back ) but you know what i mean.
Heres the crunch bit, its also rewarding financially…i used to dream of retirement, wanted to retire early, get in my motorhome and dissapear for weeks on end…the beauty of old age is…theres normally enough time to do what you want but, as the saying goes: Too much time…not enough money!..or Too much money…not enough time ` so basically i never planned for my enjoyment as much as i would have liked, and many of you are gonna have a big shock when you eventually get to retire…Ask yourself this question : Can I afford to live on £105 per week ? do your sums …look at the bills… Gas , Electric, Phones, Tv, Internet, tv licence, Council tax, then look at the food bills + cigarettes, drinks, insurances for the appliances, treats for the grand kids, birthdays for your own kids…maybe a meal out for you and the missus, and i havnt even touched on holidays yet…but you get my drift, that £105 is the basic state pension providing you have paid enough into the system ( n.i. or stamps ) I was fortunate in that i have 2 private pensions that see me living reasonably well…but also fortunate in the fact my wife earned over £40 grand a year, now also retired but working 3/4 days a week…our mortgage is paid, and we have a nice home abroad…i still have to think about flights though, and the cost. If you work over retirement age, HMRC will add your pension to your earnings, then tax the lot…there is no reductions in council tax if you or your partner work, no free tv licence till your 75…and winter fuel allowance is cut in half if you are both retired…yes…i was receiving £200 cos i retired first…when my wife retired…they took £100, and gave it to her …its a household payment, not an individual one…retire the old codgers…not on your nelly…whyb let all our experience be lost…its us who should be teaching the CPC using that knowledge…instead of the rubbish being spouted by those who have never set foot in a truck, merely been trained on how to present it, to people like myself, who knows practically everything there is to know about this industry…yes 50 years and proud of it.good luck in your own retirement, and good luck with that pension pot…if there is still one available.