Older drivers

It’s ok mate. I’m going on a night exercise later with one of my ex special forces DS, so I will practice my hand to hand combat skills.

(You might have heard of him; Staff Sergeant Jingle Bell) :wink:

It’s ok mate. I’m going on a night exercise later with one of my ex special forces DS, so I will practice my hand to hand combat skills.

(You might have heard of him; Staff Sergeant Jingle Bell) :wink:

Yeh, send him my love.
Stress to him though that I aint THREATENING to love him. :laughing:

Personally I think they’re a bit greedy working into their 70’s as they’re keeping younger drivers who need the money out of work. I think once you get to 65 you should at least be taken off tramping so the younger guys who have bills to pay get the extra cash.

Personally I think they’re a bit greedy working into their 70’s as they’re keeping younger drivers who need the money out of work. I think once you get to 65 you should at least be taken off tramping so the younger guys who have bills to pay get the extra cash.

Why do you assume that they don’t need the cash themselves? They could have been well down on their luck for the last 15 yrs or so, and skint, and the State does not exactly provide for them does it.
Or even if they want to continue to have a decent lifestyle, wtf is it to do with anybody, good luck to them I say, if a young guy wants to apply for the same job the best one in the eye of the employer will get it.

If I was 70 and potless, but fit with a Class 1, am I to say ‘’ Right, I’ll just live on the breadline to give some younger drivers a chance’’ …yeh right.
Or even to carry on having a decent lifestyle and a hol each year, rather than live like somebody out of ‘‘Last of the summer wine’’ I would be looking after no.1.

Some of these old guys have had a honourable work ethic all their lives, don’t knock them, knock the arse hole Jezza Kyle types , those who these old guys have been keeping in ■■■■ and sat tv all their miserable pointless ■■■■ lives when getting their earnings taxed.

I’m coming up 70 shortly & whilst I’m not driving proffessionaly at the moment I intend taking the medical
so that if I have to drive again to keep the wolf from the door, then as long as I’m still fit I will be able to.

I don’t fancy it these days though, working for a pro rugby team I often sit up by the driver (top man) on the team bus & don’t really envy him once we leave Cornwall with the amount of traffic and clogged roads.

Pat Hasler:

I forgot you used to work for FedEx.
You haven’t reminded us this week.

Personally I think they’re a bit greedy working into their 70’s as they’re keeping younger drivers who need the money out of work. I think once you get to 65 you should at least be taken off tramping so the younger guys who have bills to pay get the extra cash.

Again I will ask the question are you going to pay there bills or help them out :question: :question:

Due to unforeseen circumstances over my life I will have to still be working at 70 + unless you pay my mortgage for me as it won’t pay itself etc

So please you never know & 1 day you will be older & some young whipper snapper say you should give up work will you :question: :question:

I don’t have a honda jazz don’t have a hat on the parcel self don’t ■■■■ weathers original don’t use my interior mirror have side mirrors that I use instead ok my seat is as far forward as will go otherwise my feet won’t reach my pedals


Personally I think they’re a bit greedy working into their 70’s as they’re keeping younger drivers who need the money out of work. I think once you get to 65 you should at least be taken off tramping so the younger guys who have bills to pay get the extra cash.

Again I will ask the question are you going to pay there bills or help them out :question: :question:

Due to unforeseen circumstances over my life I will have to still be working at 70 + unless you pay my mortgage for me as it won’t pay itself etc

So please you never know & 1 day you will be older & some young whipper snapper say you should give up work will you :question: :question:

I don’t have a honda jazz don’t have a hat on the parcel self don’t ■■■■ weathers original don’t use my interior mirror have side mirrors that I use instead ok my seat is as far forward as will go otherwise my feet won’t reach my pedals

If Tris merely repays for all of his schooling and family allowances enjoyed by his family, paid by my/our taxes maybe we should let him off the rest of it?
We`re not that greedy really are we?


Personally I think they’re a bit greedy working into their 70’s as they’re keeping younger drivers who need the money out of work. I think once you get to 65 you should at least be taken off tramping so the younger guys who have bills to pay get the extra cash.

Again I will ask the question are you going to pay there bills or help them out :question: :question:

Due to unforeseen circumstances over my life I will have to still be working at 70 + unless you pay my mortgage for me as it won’t pay itself etc

So please you never know & 1 day you will be older & some young whipper snapper say you should give up work will you :question: :question:

I don’t have a honda jazz don’t have a hat on the parcel self don’t ■■■■ weathers original don’t use my interior mirror have side mirrors that I use instead ok my seat is as far forward as will go otherwise my feet won’t reach my pedals


AND I’m the coolest 59 yr old you will ever meet. :sunglasses:

…cr[zb] I’m an immeasurably cooler 59 than you are!
Some days I only feel about 106. So there!

As for Op and his derisory comments - what was it he said?
Blast, can’t remember now. Was it summat about bacon sarnies?

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Personally I think EB has a point, older drivers really can’t grasp the complexities of modern hi-tech trucks and their fancy auto gearboxes.

Agree with that,i’m 54 and i struggle with modern trucks,all the little beeps and noises they make irritate the heck out of me.

I can join the 59 club in May …

Why do young uns think the world owes them a living these days? Age isn’t necessarily an indication of fitness levels as seen above in a few posts.I am now 70 but still don’t need glasses(tested 2 weeks ago.It’s free for old timers)I retired when DCPC became compulsory but I was already disenchanted with the way the job was going.I’m lucky to have enjoyed good health.I have never smoked.I played rugby league regularly until a prostate op aged 59 put me off work for 18 months now i referee instead.I could pass a medical now and go back to driving but I don’t want to.I’ve never been mad keen,generally being satisfied with doing just enough.

Personally I think they’re a bit greedy working into their 70’s as they’re keeping younger drivers who need the money out of work. I think once you get to 65 you should at least be taken off tramping so the younger guys who have bills to pay get the extra cash.

The sense of entitlement that often seems to go with the younger generations is unbelievable.As I said I’d agree with that even moreso with a retirement age set at 50-55 to make much difference.Then no doubt they’d be moaning about ‘older’ people having it easy retiring early together with other politics of envy stuff etc etc etc.Then no doubt that all changes as soon as they get old themselves.On that note I’d have happily given the job up in good time,if I’d not gone out on health issues,partly so younger people had a better chance.Just so long as older people in my day had done the same for me and the pensions system was sorted accordingly.Although even in that case I would never have expected to be entitled to the privilege.Probably ironically in large part because we actually grew up with an older generation who,up to a point, often held an opposite sense of entitlement over younger generations and probably often rightly so in their case.

More Ale:

Pat Hasler:

I forgot you used to work for FedEx.
You haven’t reminded us this week.

■■? I don’t see what that has to do with it ? LOL

It’s not the old ones you should worry about its the robots and AI!


Personally I think they’re a bit greedy working into their 70’s as they’re keeping younger drivers who need the money out of work. I think once you get to 65 you should at least be taken off tramping so the younger guys who have bills to pay get the extra cash.

The sense of entitlement that often seems to go with the younger generations is unbelievable.

They are in for one ■■■■ big shock, they think that their 50s and beyond is another lifetime away not to be concerned about, as it’s ■■■■ years away yet.
Wrong !!

I can not believe how fast the last 25/30 yrs have flew in, I look at my kids and have to pinch myself, my eldest little girl who used to come with me in the truck at 5yrs old, her legs not long enough to touch the floor pointing towards the truck dash is now 31 with her own kids :open_mouth:

Just last week me and a mate were talking about something that happened down the road (not saying btw :laughing: ) when we were parked up one night a while ago,
I said ‘‘That must be 10yrs ago mate’’… then we realised it was 20 bloody years ago. :open_mouth:

So Tris mate, …
I don’t know how old you are or how long you have been in the job, but that last comment you made could/will come back and bite you on the arse a LOT sooner than what you think, and before you even realise it…trust me on that one, please. :bulb: .



Personally I think they’re a bit greedy working into their 70’s as they’re keeping younger drivers who need the money out of work. I think once you get to 65 you should at least be taken off tramping so the younger guys who have bills to pay get the extra cash.

The sense of entitlement that often seems to go with the younger generations is unbelievable.

They are in for one [zb] big shock, they think that their 50s and beyond is another lifetime away not to be concerned about, as it’s [zb] years away yet.
Wrong !!

I can not believe how fast the last 25/30 yrs have flew in, I look at my kids and have to pinch myself, my eldest little girl who used to come with me in the truck at 5yrs old, her legs not long enough to touch the floor pointing towards the truck dash is now 31 with her own kids :open_mouth:

Just last week me and a mate were talking about something that happened down the road (not saying btw :laughing: ) when we were parked up one night a while ago,
I said ‘‘That must be 10yrs ago mate’’… then we realised it was 20 bloody years ago. :open_mouth:

So Tris mate, …
I don’t know how old you are or how long you have been in the job, but that last comment you made could/will come back and bite you on the arse a LOT sooner than what you think, and before you even realise it…trust me on that one, please. :bulb: .

So ture Robroy doesn’t feel like 29 year ago that my oldest had just been born never mind the youngest ( like you my oldest has kids again only seem like 5 min she was expecting her 1st never mind the little un being nearly 4 ) where has the last 25/30 years gone indeed

Or nearly 12 years since Rikki & Lucy sone was born

One thing the wisdom of age grants you is the ability to put cocky “youngsters” firmly in their place.

Beaver obviously thinks he’s immortal but he would have found out very quickly indeed that he wasn’t if he lifted a traffic cone near me, I can tell you.

I’ve heard all the jokes - having to take a break in the afternoons for sing songs round the piano etc etc and I’m only 64 with a full head of hair which is still 80% black (miraculously) :smiley:

I for one hope there is no age restriction on the HGV licence in the future.

I have another 3 years doing what I am doing to clear some debt, I then fully intend going back tramping until I no longer can.