a couple posts too late but, rock on swift
Hadrians Wall
I mentioned Tommy Kelly in a previous post and here’s an amusing tall concering him.
One week at Fed Ex we got a memo from management to say that there would be a meeting on Friday afternoon because a woman was comming from Memphis TN to explain the new package tracking devices Fed Ex had issued (this was in 1992). We all gathered in the canteen in Rugby to hear her talk and Tommy sat with us, we listened closely to all she said for an hour as she went through everything and demonstrated the device, Tommy watched with intent. after She had finished She asked “Now ! does anyone have any questions ?”
We all sat motionless for what seemed like hours, too embarassed to put our hands up, not that the thing had anything to do with most of us as we hauled bulk loads across the UK and never would use it anyway.
Tommy then raised his hand,… “Oi have a question” he said.
“Yes … err Tom” she said after reading his name badge “What is it ?”
Tommy smiled … “What the [zb] is hadrians wall ?” asked Tommy.
We all sat dumbfounded and She said “I’m sorry ■■? what are you taling about ?”
“Well, every week I drive up past Carlisle and see a sign saying ‘Hadrians wall’ and I have no [zb] idea what it is, so I thought I would ask you”
This poor woman was totally speachless and mus have flown back to Memphis thinking we were all idiots.
About 6 months later Tommy went on holiday to Turkey and sent us a photo of him standing next to a sign that said ‘Hadrians house’
Great story, Pat…but the language rules HAVEN’T CHANGED!!! L.
Very Good story Pat