Old pictures

Does anyone have any pictures of vehicles operated by Westwood transport Beccles 1955~1998. Have only managed too find one on Google but can’t
get a copy of it.

Does anyone have any pictures of vehicles operated by Westwood transport Beccles 1955~1998. Have only managed too find one on Google but can’t
get a copy of it.

VALKYRIE replies:-

It’s still Summertime :smiley:

CHASE THE SUN,performed by PLANET FUNK…a great Jet Set music song-record :smiley:

CBB The Cult Of Celebrity,fascinating :smiley: :-

Hello :slight_smile:
I probably copied the same photograph that you have seen on the Internet:-

FIAT Tipo 684T 38-Ton Design Weight-GTW 4x2 Tipper-bodied Articulated Lorry,LBJ 833P.Westwood Transport,Beccles:-

I stand to be corrected if the above Fiat lorry model is another model,and not a Tipo 619TI :slight_smile: And thanks to RobTheDog for correcting
me :slight_smile: …it’s a FIAT Tipo 684T.


Thanks Valkyrie. Yes that was the same picture.If anyone else knows of any more pictures around I would be grateful if they could get in touch

I reckon its a 684T

Brings back some memories, Westwoods yard was just up the road from the high school in Beccles. Used to sit in class in the early 90’s staring out window daydreaming as they trundled past. The Fiats were getting on a bit then!, i think Neil Bomford took them over.

Regards Daz

I’ve got these ones…


westwood tipper#.jpg


Thanks too all who replied/posted pictures. Sorry for the delayed reply but I forgot I had posted on here lol :blush: :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

Here’s my contribution. Regards Haddy.

Here’s my contribution. Regards Haddy.

Well done Haddy, I’ve been looking for an Iveco wearing the later livery before they all changed to “plain red”, & now I’ve got it. If it’s ok, I’m borrowing that pic.


Here’s my contribution. Regards Haddy.

Well done Haddy, I’ve been looking for an Iveco wearing the later livery before they all changed to “plain red”, & now I’ve got it. If it’s ok, I’m borrowing that pic.

Hello mate, I think I must have got that picture off the internet, I didn’t take it. Like you say it is the later livery and it is unusual to see one with a visor. Having said that it could have been a second-hand motor although it bears a local reg. I knew several old boys who worked there but can’t remember who drove this one. Cheers Haddy.

I’ve had another dig and found these. I also have a picture of a LAD cabbed Dodge creeping through Loddon when the main street was flooded, probably in the '60s, but I can’t post it on here for some reason. Regards Haddy.



This one…


This one…

Yes mate that’s the one. I don’t know why I couldn’t post it but never mind it’s on here now. Looks like the River Chet couldn’t cope with all that extra water. I see the driver is doing a good turn to a couple of people by ferrying them through the flood.