Seeing as we are into remembering names from long ago, I was going through my old mans stuff a little while ago and came across a list of drivers, probably something to do with the union but anyway see how many names are rcognised, they all worked for Steenburgs at the time but no doubt at many other places too. Here goes;
Bill Ashworth, John Dickman, Jock Mundell, Peter Green, Ray Smith, Tony Hyde, Tony Chapman, Nigel Smart,
Alfie Greives, Ernie Dobson, Gill Todd, Bobby Duggan, Dicky Oliver, Geordie Storey, Don Bryden, Alan Patrick,
Jimmy Simmons, Jimmy Logan, Joe Pepper, Bob Aitchenson, George Collis, Cliff Natton, Ken Hogg, Ray Hogg, Bob Best, Brian Maiden, Bob Dowling , Lenny North, Phil Gent, George Woolfe, Dicky Akenhead, Jimmy Hepple, Ronnie Hodgen, Stan Bolam, Arthur Marsh, Joe Brown.
Probably a few more that arn’t on the list and I know one or two more but can’t remember their names, I know some of these arn’t around anymore including my old man, any of these ring any bells!
Cheers Franky.