Old friend

Hi Does anyone know a guy Called Joe Moore Assurablanimal ?

I wouldn’t have thought that anyone would know someone with a surname as strange as that. Sorry.

Im looking for an old friend too. A Chinese mate of mine from college. He always hangs around the side of the road with a dog ■■■■■■■ against his leg.

His name is Ray Ling.

Im looking for an old friend too. A Chinese mate of mine from college. He always hangs around the side of the road with a dog ■■■■■■■ against his leg.

His name is Ray Ling.

I met an angry Chinese gardener once, his name was Who Flung Dung :blush:


Im looking for an old friend too. A Chinese mate of mine from college. He always hangs around the side of the road with a dog ■■■■■■■ against his leg.

His name is Ray Ling.

I met an angry Chinese gardener once, his name was Who Flung Dung :blush:

Never knew him, but I did know his best mate, Willy Catchit!


Yeah,i know him. His girlfriend has a food mixer on her head.

I think her name is Blenda.

coincidentally enough,i saw my mate running down the road today naked,with anorher naked girl hanging onto his back. he shouted he was going to a fancy dress party as a turtle as he ran past…what about the bird on your back then.whos that?..he replied…thats michelle

Hi Does anyone know a guy Called Joe Moore Assurablanimal ?

Could you narrow it down a bit, what area was he from and who did he drive for.

On an unrelated side note:

On an unrelated side note:

Absolute quality. Cheers Dave . :smiley: :smiley:

Meanwhile in the East End outside a Chinese takeaway. .

Binman " wheres ya bin?"
Owner “I been to Hong Kong”
Binman " no, wheres ya wheely bin"
Owner " I wheely bin to Hong Kong"

I’ll get my coat.

■■■■■■■■■■■ shi teeonshu ,

straight up i know a lady with that name

Absolute waste of time night guys Hull and he drives tankers I think for Abbey

Mike oxlong always a favourite :laughing:

I don’t think the OP found what he was looking for lol.

I’m a she !

I figured that you were. Either that or a British avian with a lisp! Did he leave you with something? :wink:

Yeh a broken heart about 8 years ago

I was gonna post a flippant reply to that, but you know what? I’m not going to. You’ve had your heart broken so you don’t need me scoring cheap points. Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and go find somebody who you deserve girl. Good luck.

Cheers Bud x

seth 70:
Mike oxlong always a favourite :laughing:

I know his best mate, Drew Peacock. And he had a mate that worked in the circus as a lion tamer, went by the name of Claude Balls.