Old forum content?

TruckNet UK:
There is now way of directly transfering the HTML files from the old board into this database :cry:

The Old forums will remain on-line-Archived as read only forums…

Why ? You can get all technical with me ! Seriously, why is there no way of transferring the HTML files from the old board into this database ?!!!

I know it’s difficult, but are you planning on copying the content from the old forums to these nice new ones?

There is now way of directly transfering the HTML files from the old board into this database :cry:

The Old forums will remain on-line-Archived as read only forums…

There might be, there are a lot of translators available. What software did the old forums use?

Oh, while I remember, database restore doesn’t work on phpBB2, so don’t bother thinking doing backups will save you if the stuff hits the fan.

will have to disagree there. Backups work, just you can’t restore databases larger then 1.5 - 2 MB using the restore function. But you can use other tools to do that. Just done a 80 MB restore.


Yes, let me rephrase that. Natively, they don’t work, restoring them from inside phpBB2 doesnt work.