any one got any, ive had a cold, cough for a month now and tried everything of the chemist shelves but just cant shake it off, so has anyone got any grandmothers remedys that work ta
Right you asked and,this is a old german cures,
get a raw sugarbeet,peel,cut and dice into small
squares, place inside Jar until this is half full,
Now add THIS
YOU will now need to wait until the sugarbeet,and the kandis
(rocksugar) have mixed together, this reaction will leave
a liquid in the jar,which YOU take as follows 1Tablespoon
3times a day,
If you’ve had the sniffles for over a month, it sounds either as though your immune system is suppressed or you are suffering from an allergy.
I’m sure you’ve thought of all this, but please consider the obvious:
1) Are you eating properly, especially vegetables and fruit? You may be lacking in Vitamin C, among others.
If it isn’t possible to eat properly, try having a cup of boiled water with lemon juice in it to start the day (rather than coffee/tea/■■■■, if you smoke!) as it will hydrate you and give you a Vitamin C shot to start the day.
You could also add a little honey, as it is a natural antiseptic and has loads of other healing properties.
2) Are you drinking enough water, to flush out any toxins/bugs from your system?
Try swapping a cup of hot water for the occasional tea/coffee if you need a hot drink in this weather and you may find it easier to drink it than cold bottled water.
3) Are you able to take any exercise?
Even walking briskly round your truck a few times after your walkaround checks and after a tea/loo break will help to boost your metabolism and get your systems working
4) Are you getting enough sleep?
Your body needs rest to repair itself
5) Are you worried / stressed?
Anything that gets you down will make it hard to shake off a “lurgy”!
Try to make time for yourself, look after yourself properly and do something fun every now and then.
- If you are being incredibly good and can honestly say yes to all the above (what a man! ), then think about taking a Vitamin supplement and some Echinacea (most supermarkets will have it in their pharmacy section, or a good health food shop).
Echinacea helps to boost your immune system. Just use it until you feel better.
- Have a think about if anything in your environment has changed, which might provoke an allergy:
a) New Pet
b) Different truck
c) Different washing powder
d) New soap / aftershave
e) New cleaning chemicals at home or in your truck.
If you’ve covered everything above, then it’s probably time to go to see your doctor, as feeling poorly for this length of time isn’t good for you.
I hope this helps and I wish you a speedy recovery.