Ok which one of you is selling this

cgi.ebay.co.uk/JIFFY-STOBART-Min … 43a4a32a12

not me but i know the guy who owns it, and another friend of mine has a tipper version with a lurid orange cab. one of the most awkward and uncofortable things ive driven!

Sad ■■■■■■■■■ :unamused:


god that is awful, send it to the scrapyard !

Wouldn’t be seen dead with that on my drive . :blush: :blush:

I can see it now, Stobarts new choice of Post Van when they try to take over the PO, the public will like as everyone loves Postman Pat claims a Stobart source :laughing:

This should be on the ugly trucks thread.

My mate works for Stobarts but they wouldn’t let him put his wife’s name on the front of his truck, apparently “money grabbing, lying, cheating ■■■■■■■ scumbag ■■■■■” won’t fit on a Scania grill :laughing: :laughing:

i think theyve put the decimal point in the wrong place :laughing: :laughing:

My mate works for Stobarts but they wouldn’t let him put his wife’s name on the front of his truck, apparently “money grabbing, lying, cheating [zb] scumbag ■■■■■” won’t fit on a Scania grill :laughing: :laughing:

that must be going round i had it in a text yesterday lol :laughing:

You’ve heard of the mongo bus now you have the mongo van :laughing:

Doubt the green cancer know about this did they not say no to ‘‘mr it’’ and ‘‘the thing’’ in that tv show when they asked if they could do it?

One word for it is scrap!