OK, what do I do now with this lot

Today I’ve been earning some nice bank holiday rate money working for a truck hire company moving stuff about. I’ve driven 4 vehicles, of which two have been LGVs with tachos and two have been small stuff without tachos. This is what I’ve done:

start 07h00
07h00 - 07h50 other work
07h50 insert tacho1 into 32t tipper
07h56-08h38 driving (= 42 minutes)
08h38 remove tacho1 from tipper
08h38 - 08h41 other work
08h41 - 09h02 break (= 21 minutes)
09h02 - 09h10 other work
09h10 - 11h08 drive ford combi van (= 1h58min)
11h08 - 11h10 other work
11h10 insert tacho2 into 26t tipper
11h10 - 11h15 other work
11h15 - 11h28 driving (= 13m)
11h28 - 12h00 break (= 32 minutes)
(driving timer reset to 0 here after 2h53min driving as break totals 53min)
12h00 - 13h39 driving (= 1h39m)
13h40 remove tacho2 from 26t tipper
13h40 - 13h50 other work
13h50 - 14h24 drive ford transit (= 34 min)
14h24 - 15h30 other work
finish 15h30

Soooo… as you can see I’ve got two tachos (put a new one in the second lorry as I didn’t have anything I could write on the back with) but huge gaps that aren’t recorded on either one.

What do I do? Should I mark up one/both of the tachos to indicate what I’ve been doing?


Cut, paste, and print it. :laughing:

Seriously. :open_mouth:

If I had gone to that much trouble to record my daily activities then I wouldn’t mess about looking for a means of transcibing it onto any tacho chart(s). I’d just attach it.

The most I would do with the charts is write on the back “C:\My Docs.….date also refers”, just in case it became separated, although a few folds and a staple through the centre field should prevent that.

Unconventional, but entirely within the spirit of the Regulations.

It should all really be on the tacho, the vehicles that have a tacho will show a recording and the other 2 should be entered manually. That is why the tacho’s have a field in which you can write the vehicle weight in (T…) that way vosa know exactly what you have been doing. Simple really :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

It should all really be on the tacho, the vehicles that have a tacho will show a recording and the other 2 should be entered manually. That is why the tacho’s have a field in which you can write the vehicle weight in (T…) that way vosa know exactly what you have been doing. Simple really :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

The only slight issue with that is that I didn’t make any record of the registrations or the start/end mileages of the courier van and the transit van (didn’t think I needed to as they were tacho exempt, is that right?). Also the tachos I have don’t seem to have anywhere to mark the weight on them for any of the vehicles.

I’ve tried to find a website online that mentions what you do if you drive a mix of tacho’d vehicles and exempt vehicles in one day/shift but I can’t find anything. Do you have to drive as though everything had a tacho in as far as hours etc. are concerned or do the non-tacho vehicles not count towards driving time or what?


Paul the van driving would count as other work and not count towards your driving hours. Just mark up the back of the discs as other work for the periods covered by the van driving and any other gaps such as the time spent between vehicles. As far as I see it this would mean marking the back as:

Disc 1

07h00 - 07h50 other work
08h38 - 08h41 other work
08h41 - 09h02 break (= 21 minutes)
09h02 - 11h10 other work

Disc 2
13h40 - 15h30 other work

This on the back of each disc and the traces on the front should give a complete picture of your day from 07h00 - 15h30. Printing the list you made above and keeping it with the 2 discs will also help explain things in the event of a check and I think VOSA would be able to see you had made every effort to keep a record of your day.

Very few discs have the ‘T’ field on them these days, I haven’t seen one for a few years now and it is not something that is a requirement when filling in the centre field

the van driving would count as other work and not count towards your driving hours. Just mark up the back of the discs as other work for the periods covered by the van driving and any other gaps such as the time spent between vehicles.

Excellent, that’s pretty much the answer I was wanting :wink: I had an idea that driving exempt vehicles counted as other work but I wasn’t sure enough to drive that way on the day. Tachos marked up as you suggested and I’ve put a note in my tacho wallet about it too.


I thought the T was to signify, Sleeper Cab, dont ask me why it is T.

I havent seen it on a chart for donkeys either