Oh no another stobart thread!

£ 1700+ per employee (average) = 4 or 5 £ per day,but what “commision” will be removed from the “franchisee’s” earnings,don’t tell me “fast eddie” can extract blood out of stone ? The numbers aren’t adding up IMO.What were the 5,000 satisfactorily fed from 5 loaves and 7 fish (or similar)!!!They’ve re-invented everything else in the transport world so maybe they can turn base metal into Gold!!! Cheers Bewick.

You have to remember that the employee as no interest in cracking on and getting the job done, even ady1 has stated previously that he would often get 4-5 hours kip in when he could during a working day! Too many company men stringing the job out to over inflate the wage. Give ady1 a truck now and he know’s he’s got to crack on and get the job done. I have to admit he’s not one of my favourite’s on here but if he gives it a crack then I wish him every success. And I know I’m harping back to a previous point I have already made but Stobart will make more from not paying expenses than anything else, I worked it out to about a minimum of £12000 so thats 6X the profit of a normal employee.

the £1700 profit per employee dosn’t mean much. many companies will show much less than this.
the reason is simple.
Corporation tax.

looking at the stats, you can see their annual turnover is £3.2 million
but shows an annual profit of £ 4.5 mil.■■? something is wrong here.
And for a company this size those stats are not fit to print.
Maybe thats why they are re-arranging their depots.
In all honestly, i think theyre in deep trouble, speaking to a few of their drivers on Friday night, and all from different depots, they are very worried, and theyre being kept in the dark, they are looking for other jobs, Stobart has lost quite a bit of work, and needs to work the vehicles 24/7 to make them pay, I`m not a stobby basher, but would show the industry and the government what a mess it is in if stobby fail, what chance for the weaker ones, look out soon for depots thats up for sale, in order to put more cash in the coffers.

looking at the stats, you can see their annual turnover is £3.2 million
but shows an annual profit of £ 4.5 mil.■■? something is wrong here.

There is, it’s you. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: That’s not 3.2 million in the report, it’s nearly three hundred and twenty million. :stuck_out_tongue:

Accounts reference date: 28/02

Last registered accounts: 28/02/2011*

Accounts next due: 30/11/2012

Accounts overdue: no

Accounts category: FULL

Accounts document available: yes

Annual turnover: £319,668,000.00

Annual profit: £4,448,000.00

Turnover per employee: £123,854.32

Profit per employee: £1,723.36

i dont know how an o/d would better these figures.if you make £1723.36 profit as an employee,then thats how much better off youd be than if you were an emploee.youre working with the same figures only difference is the wage bill.....i cant explain… does anyone know what i mean :confused:


Accounts reference date: 28/02

Last registered accounts: 28/02/2011*

Accounts next due: 30/11/2012

Accounts overdue: no

Accounts category: FULL

Accounts document available: yes

Annual turnover: £319,668,000.00

Annual profit: £4,448,000.00

Turnover per employee: £123,854.32

Profit per employee: £1,723.36

i dont know how an o/d would better these figures.if you make £1723.36 profit as an employee,then thats how much better off youd be than if you were an emploee.youre working with the same figures only difference is the wage bill.....i cant explain… does anyone know what i mean :confused:

I do. You’re pointing out that for the £12K investment and everything else being the same an employed driver who switches to this scheme will be £1723.36 better off than if they stayed as an employee.

yes, something like that


looking at the stats, you can see their annual turnover is £3.2 million
but shows an annual profit of £ 4.5 mil.■■? something is wrong here.

There is, it’s you. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: That’s not 3.2 million in the report, it’s nearly three hundred and twenty million. :stuck_out_tongue:


im saying nowt :blush:

Nine more cages, a surefire way of kick-starting the economy and cutting congestion.


£ 1700+ per employee (average) = 4 or 5 £ per day,but what “commision” will be removed from the “franchisee’s” earnings,don’t tell me “fast eddie” can extract blood out of stone ? The numbers aren’t adding up IMO.What were the 5,000 satisfactorily fed from 5 loaves and 7 fish (or similar)!!!They’ve re-invented everything else in the transport world so maybe they can turn base metal into Gold!!! Cheers Bewick.

You have to remember that the employee as no interest in cracking on and getting the job done, even ady1 has stated previously that he would often get 4-5 hours kip in when he could during a working day! Too many company men stringing the job out to over inflate the wage. Give ady1 a truck now and he know’s he’s got to crack on and get the job done. I have to admit he’s not one of my favourite’s on here but if he gives it a crack then I wish him every success. And I know I’m harping back to a previous point I have already made but Stobart will make more from not paying expenses than anything else, I worked it out to about a minimum of £12000 so thats 6X the profit of a normal employee.

i think youve twisted the FACTS here,the reason i had 4/5/6 hrs kip most days was that was how the job was planned/done,not me just deciding to park up for 6 hrs[im sure i would of got a phone call,dont you think after just parking up for 4/5/6 hrs.
as ive stated[look back through my previous posts,will confirm what i say],if youre tipped at 8 a.m and youre reloads not until 2 p.m then your going to get in your bunk and go to sleep,i was tipped this morning at 9 a.m,told to get 1 p.m reload,3 hrs in bunk,they made the decision to send me for 1 p.m reload at 9 a.m,not me,i just used my head and caught up on sleep.
if your refeering to the hours i did ,in the sense i strung it out to get to 70/80 hrs,then again your wrong,the fact is i did all the long runs,swapped my short runs for mates long ones,job hander out gets to know the ones who want the hours ,who doesnt so handed out the jobs accordinally.
do you honestly think stobarts,managers,depot managers,job hander outs wouldnt notice a driver just pulling up for a 4/5 hr kip in the middle of the day :unamused: ,course they know youve stopped for that time,and the reason they do nothing is because they sent you in there.
that said they are trying to fill those gaps with shop deliveries,not sending you for collections so early etc,etc,but it doesnt always work and then you have to sit there and wait for x amount of hours,on THERE orders.
there ringing drivers up for stopping in laybys,stopping for a ■■■■ ,stopping at services too long,so dont you think theyd ring a driver up who decided to FIT in a 5 hr kip in the day time :unamused:

looking at the stats, you can see their annual turnover is £3.2 million
but shows an annual profit of £ 4.5 mil.■■? something is wrong here.
And for a company this size those stats are not fit to print.
Maybe thats why they are re-arranging their depots.
In all honestly, i think theyre in deep trouble, speaking to a few of their drivers on Friday night, and all from different depots, they are very worried, and theyre being kept in the dark, they are looking for other jobs, Stobart has lost quite a bit of work, and needs to work the vehicles 24/7 to make them pay, I`m not a stobby basher, but would show the industry and the government what a mess it is in if stobby fail, what chance for the weaker ones, look out soon for depots thats up for sale, in order to put more cash in the coffers.

I’d be amazed if they were in trouble. From the casual observers point of view they look like a very succesful company and for the past 5 or 7 years that has indeed been the case. They are still making a fair old whack of profit unlike Wincanton who are haemoraging cash, granted a much bigger firm with a much bigger turnover so may be easier to turn their fortunes around but even so.

One thing that has always stuck in my mind, about 3 years ago I was speaking to a chap who worked fairly high up in Maxi haulage and he said that one day the Stobart house of cards would all come crashing down as all the equipment is leased and they have very few assets or some such wheras Maxi buy their vehicles and end up owning them along with premises probably. How true any of that is I don’t know and one man’s opinion deoesn’t make it so.

Even the mighty T have stumbled recently so if it can happen to them…

oo oo, i hope i get to take one of them into Welham Green! :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:

And have to put it on bay 103 :smiley:

At night.

Mind you I always found the one down the other end harder as it was either a blind side or a tight screw.

I was speaking to a chap who worked fairly high up in Maxi haulage and he said that one day the Stobart house of cards would all come crashing down as all the equipment is leased and they have very few assets or some such wheras Maxi buy their vehicles and end up owning them along with premises probably. How true any of that is I don’t know and one man’s opinion deoesn’t make it so…

A company with no assets is very unattractive to venture capitalists (you know the sort - They go in and buy a company and then sell everything at a profit leaving the company in the ■■■■) so having no assets sometimes is actually - errr an asset when you are a big company.

Some years ago, we did £800.00 worth of work, & they went ■■■■ up, they had no assets , all their motors were leased along with the office furniture & even the door mats were hired they owed every body money, one poor owner driver was owed 4 grand, anyway 4 years later we got a cheque from the recievers for £7.33. So all I can say is beware who you get work off, find out all you can as to their credibilty & save yourself a lot of finacial problems. Regards Larry.