OH Great, thanks Guys!

You have done it again, costing me money :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

We have a free stat counter running alongside our server stats so we can compare and take an average to give as accurate account of site usage as possible…

The point is this stat counter is only free up to 9,000 page views a day…

So I guess we better start paying them :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink:

seriously though, many thanks, it is you, the TruckNet Uk Member, viewing and participating on this site that gives us great figures such as this

Those figures for First Time Visitors look damned iffy to me.

Refuse to pay. :smiley:

I would speculate that it’s because of the new MSN search engine that we keep seeing on the T.V. If you do a search for trucking sites on MSN (basically the default for many users) it takes users to a whole range of sites before reaching ‘trucknetuk’ no one bothers after the 3rd page.

Unless you know how good this site is, you would not know it was there unless you were doing a thorough search and were prepared to look at loads of search pages.

Also, the Americanism of showing the following symbol # is not something that people in the UK easily recognise. If Trucknet UK is the No 1 site then get rid of Bill Gates’ (American) # and state that it is Number 1 site for the UK.


Those figures for First Time Visitors look damned iffy to me.

Refuse to pay. :smiley:

The returning visitors, I assume, are those that allow cookies on their system and so the server can see when they return. Anyone who is browsing annonymously (sp) i.e. has not logged in or is a genuine first time visitor, will be included in those figures.

Although if it means we don’t pay…I agree with Krankee - dodgy figures!! :wink:

A note to the figures…
we have isolated the MSN, Google bot IP address, and the NTL Teeside broadband IP (ours) so they dont count in the figures.

The figures are done by a combination of IP addresses and cookies to give as accurate as possible results

sorry m8,but i just could not help myself from coming back here :laughing: hope you don’t mind :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sorry m8,but i just could not help myself from coming back here :laughing: hope you don’t mind :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

did you have to :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: