Oh Dear, does this explain a missing comrade?

@star_down_under you remember our friend @Mushrooman I assume, who’s moniker mysteriously disappeared with the change here last year and he made a brief re-appearance under the name of @opal_finder.

I am reading a book about the origins of words and the sometimes outlandish superstitions attached to them and have just got to the gemstone called Opal.

This, in part, explains the origin of the belief:
Long been deemed to bring bad luck, Alphonso XII of Spain (1857-55) presented an opal ring to his wife on his wedding day, and her death occurred soon afterwards. Before the funeral he gave the ring to his sister,who died a few days later. The king then presented it to his sister-in-law, and she died within 3 months. Alphonso, astounded at these fatalities, resolved to wear the ring himself, and within a very short time he, too, was dead. :astonished_face:

Strikes me he wasn’t the brightest of blokes but, just to be sure, if you are in touch with our friend, please urge him not to return here with his new moniker. :wink: :grin:

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Check out the whole story of all those involved with the Tutenkamen treasures.

@spardo I think mushroomman preceeded opal-finder and is now Parkroyal 2300. We lost so many good blokes, with the change and much confusion as long term posters had to sign up with new usernames. I’m not a fan of discourse, but I am getting used to it.

I’m not the slightest bit suspicious, but it is said opals should only be gifted, not bought by the wearer; that of course may have originated from the United Women’s Guild. :rofl:
That being said, I’ve slept at the Devil’s Marbles but wouldn’t dream of removing anything. Worth looking up if you’re into those sort of conspiracy theories.

Is that true, Mushrooman is now @parkroyal2100 (not 2300?), whatever though, you are right about the confusion. Mind you it isn’t new, I joined in 2003 as @BondiTram and then one day it wouldn’t work and couldn’t be made to work so, in 2004 I rejoined as @spardo. :roll_eyes:

Absolutely not, M’lud. Mushrooman denies any association with ParkRoyal2100 Ltd, and I don’t blame him.

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Does that mean I can’t demand my 10 quid then? So who knows who is/was @Mushrooman?

Let’s put it another way. I wrote a book and 2 members on here kindly bought it in the mistaken belief that 15 quid was good value for money. One of them was @charlie_one and the other went to Queensland. @TheBear got a free copy as a thank you for valuable help with Spanish details.

I only wrote it to get something out of my system and refused all blandishments from the publishers to promote it, so I never made a penny but, because of that there are only I reckon about 11 copies in existence, so hang onto them lads, all marked as First Editions, they will be worthy of Sotheby’s in a few years time. :rofl:

Meanwhile, who was my mystery Queensland buyer? :thinking:

Hard to tell this early in the investigation, but we both know someone who lives in the state of the Big Pineapple. I’m not for an instant suggesting anything shady, heavens no. Twinkle twinkle little Star…

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Not guilty yer 'onner. I’ve only ever been (Western) Star down under and a relative newcomer at 7 years.
I’d like to to get my hands on Spardo’s chronicles.

This ^^^ is precisely the kind of filth and innuendo that the new OSA is trying to eliminate :joy:


Long out of print now I am told by the few who have searched but one person did get a download version for a fiver I understand, but I forget who that was and she didn’t not come back with a glowing recommendation.

In any case, you have seen part of it in the long time oldie thread that you or Mushrooman started. The tale of my experience with Buntine. That was one of the true accounts in a mixture of other memoires, short fiction, jokes and poetry.


I thought Noel only employed reprobates. :thinking:

Don’t come with the “nothing to do with me guvnor” line, we all know that denial is the first recourse of the rogue :wink:

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All but one, obviously. :innocent:

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I’ve half a mind to put this sort of obscenity in writing and address it to Mary Whitehouse and then we’ll see, mark my words.

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I think you might have to wait awhile, the Blessed Mary has long since been in another place. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I heard PR had a direct line.

Mushrooman was such a great username!
Parkroyal2100 sounds like a packet of cheap Turkish fags from the nineties :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Nice to see you back.

:rofl: :rofl: ask him where he lives, it’s not even in Spain. :shushing_face:

A place of king makers! Regents were made there: regal ones, whose reliance upon the place was legendary. Indeed some were monarchs; indeed, it was a mammoth, major undertaking!

:laughing: very witty, mate.

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