Offensive replys to posts

Thanku rikki,really pleased to read your post concerning indivduals replying badly and rudely to honest questions posted. I had stopped posting due to ill mannered replies so again thanku rikki.

Thanku rikki,really pleased to read your post concerning indivduals replying badly and rudely to honest questions posted. I had stopped posting due to ill mannered replies so again thanku rikki.

I’m almost uncontrollably urged to tell you to go and ■■■■ yourself…but I won’t :wink: :laughing:

Thanku rikki,really pleased to read your post concerning indivduals replying badly and rudely to honest questions posted. I had stopped posting due to ill mannered replies so again thanku rikki.

Hi kendon,

Since this is a feedback type post, I’ve moved it here for any discussion.

The types of responses that you’ve referred to are quite unnecessary and will be dealt with accordingly (= deleted.)


Thanku rikki,really pleased to read your post concerning indivduals replying badly and rudely to honest questions posted. I had stopped posting due to ill mannered replies so again thanku rikki.

I’m almost uncontrollably urged to tell you to go and [zb] yourself…but I won’t :wink: :laughing:

I’m so glad you wrote “almost” plus those last three words Rob. :smiley:

:bulb: Just imagine how it would have looked without. :open_mouth:



Thanku rikki,really pleased to read your post concerning indivduals replying badly and rudely to honest questions posted. I had stopped posting due to ill mannered replies so again thanku rikki.

I’m almost uncontrollably urged to tell you to go and [zb] yourself…but I won’t :wink: :laughing:

I’m so glad you wrote “almost” plus those last three words Rob. :smiley:

:bulb: Just imagine how it would have looked without. :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing:

A shake up is long overdue, there’s levels of banter then there’s insults and off putting comments that have no place around new members with honest questions or any inquisitive member for that matter.

I challenge anyone to have performed as many ■■■■ ups as me, if there’s a wrong way to do something I’ll do it if not I’ll invent a method of muppetry that will astound you…

A shake up is long overdue, there’s levels of banter then there’s insults and off putting comments that have no place around new members with honest questions or any inquisitive member for that matter.

I challenge anyone to have performed as many ■■■■ ups as me, if there’s a wrong way to do something I’ll do it if not I’ll invent a method of muppetry that will astound you…

Very well put.

A shake up is long overdue


There’s a huge forum the airline industry uses called “pprune” (yeah I know :laughing: ). Went through similar deals. It improved. The reputation has stuck. I only know of few who don’t roll their eyes when it’s mentioned. And some colleagues that do are fairly pivotal figures in the industry.

I’m giving a bit of thinking to not bothering for a while. Long old while really. Only as I think that’ll be a good thing . I’m finding less and less from it, in one fashion or another…

Perhaps one day in the future, coming back it’ll be a pleasant surprise. That happened before actually. FFs, Do not take this as a waltz off :laughing: We all know it’s only a forum goodness sakes and between you and me lads who’ve been on here a while you know what I mean. No dramas like.

One thing dying to know, what the hell happened to contraflow? He always walked that fine line between troll and helpful. But he was bloody funny :laughing:

Thats one thing ill never understand, being offensive/abusive to someone who has a different opinion. All well and good having a discussion (even a heated one) but name calling and trying to belittle someone especially new posters isnt on. Im always on at the missus re abuse but as ever i just get ‘vete a la mierda’…its a lost cause… :stuck_out_tongue:

A shake up is long overdue, …

You’re on the money here Dave.

It’s being dealt with. :wink:


A shake up is long overdue, …

You’re on the money here Dave.

It’s being dealt with. :wink:

I hope so. Would be a shame to lose this.

But sometimes i cant help it…this bloody tourettes gets me into loads of trouble…taking a deep breath helps. :smiley:

I think some people need to chill out - and there has been far too much troll hunting going on.

I’m a very new driver - and whenever I have posted on here to admit my cockups and ask for help, I’ve always got it. Which I’m very grateful for. But I’ve also been told that I shouldn’t bother driving again. Been told I’m a ‘snowflake’ and a host of other ‘banter’ which when given with advice is one thing. But when someone just wants to post to give you stick it’s slightly different. It creates an environment where people don’t post asking for advice because they expect a certain amount of abuse. I know this because I’ve got plenty of PM’s from people saying they are having the same problems.

I think that no matter how you take it - that will turn off people from the forum. Especially new drivers. After working on the agency and speaking to other young drivers - none of my questions have been that out of the ordinary really. Some of the blokes on here have done the job so long that they forget what it’s like to be new. Not knowing how to operate curtains/taillifts or fridges doesn’t mean you are trolling - it means you are new.

It’s the “you’re a troll/sock puppet” that gets on my nerves. So what? If people can’t control themselves to the point they can ignore things rather than twenty or more comments saying THE EXACT SAME REMARKS then it says a lot about those slinging the mud.

It’s the “you’re a troll/sock puppet” that gets on my nerves. So what? If people can’t control themselves to the point they can ignore things rather than twenty or more comments saying THE EXACT SAME REMARKS then it says a lot about those slinging the mud.

Quite true mate, and it’s being dealt with. :wink:

I think some people need to chill out - and there has been far too much troll hunting going on.

I’m a very new driver - and whenever I have posted on here to admit my cockups and ask for help, I’ve always got it. Which I’m very grateful for. But I’ve also been told that I shouldn’t bother driving again. Been told I’m a ‘snowflake’ and a host of other ‘banter’ which when given with advice is one thing. But when someone just wants to post to give you stick it’s slightly different. It creates an environment where people don’t post asking for advice because they expect a certain amount of abuse. I know this because I’ve got plenty of PM’s from people saying they are having the same problems.

I think that no matter how you take it - that will turn off people from the forum. Especially new drivers. After working on the agency and speaking to other young drivers - none of my questions have been that out of the ordinary really. Some of the blokes on here have done the job so long that they forget what it’s like to be new. Not knowing how to operate curtains/taillifts or fridges doesn’t mean you are trolling - it means you are new.

Hi sammym,

If you don’t mind me saying so, that’s a great post!!

With the greatest of respect… the ‘main’ forum is where there is a lot of sarcastic banter (other descriptions are available) and so it can be quite daunting.

If a new driver said that he’s a new driver and posted the same question in the Newbies’ forum, let’s just say that they’d have been treated somewhat differently.

:bulb: The Newbies’ forum is meant to be for nurturing/supporting new drivers, so the Mods’ tolerance for ‘nonsense’ posts is set at approximately zero.

Thanks for the reminder, it’s been taken on board. :smiley:

:bulb: The ‘nonsense’ posters are strongly advised to take note of this. :wink:

As an occasional nonsense poster myself I agree totally with Diesel Dave, the newbies section I always view as a place for help devoid of any critique. The main forum has always had a little liter touch of moderation where banter and half the ■■■■ I post normally clears scrutiny.

However it’s one thing to allow the odd attack whilst waiting for the victim to respond it’s another when each and every thread turns into a ■■■■■ fight from previous knicker twisting shenanigans.

I will obviously miss the regulars that have been culled but it’s not my house.

One of Rikki’s requests is that we sort it out ourselves which I will respect and do my best to comply with.

Hopefully we can all move forward and put this episode behind us.

Dipper your nonsense posts (. Which I enjoy btw ) don’t attack anybody and when your serious is usually advice given correctly

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