
Since the powers that be have decided that we cannot use the word ■■■■■, I thought a quick poll may be interesting.

So, does it offend you to hear or read the word ‘■■■■■’

Comments will be monitored by the PC police, so please refrain from references to stealing diesel or anything that isn’t nailed down, conning old people, not paying taxes, tresspassing on people’s land and leaving piles of human excrement behind, being uneducated, being married to close family and generally being the most antisocial members of society, there’s more of course, but we’re not allowed to offend, so bringing it up will serve no purpose other than to offend.

Please take part in the poll, then maybe, by some miracle, common sense will prevail :open_mouth:

You forgot to mention selling pegs :laughing:

You forgot to mention selling pegs :laughing:

and lets no foget scumbags r

When did we have to stop calling ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ then :question: Its a fairly regional thing is’nt it calling em that? Round our 20 its Gypsies & I suppose that offends the PC brigade too. Oh well the poll tells all its 100% in favour of it being OK to say ■■■■■ whenever one wishes.

And selling lucky heather…

Gypo wedding was pretty good last night when they started fighting. Still winds me up though that program, all one sided…

Are we allowed to call the kids “hedge monkeys”?

Would that be the same people who harvest the daffodils and other flowers planted on verges and traffic islands?

How about Diddycoys… not to sure if it matters what you call them, it all means the same thing, we all know it, and they know it.

Why cannot we call them ■■■■■■, people from the north east are geordies, people from Liverpool are scoucers,Londoners,cockneys,Americans,yanks. c
Can somebody please explain to me why we cannot call Gypsies by a slang term but as above we can call others by a slang term.

gypo’s we call em,…then theres the fly tipping,seen a couple about that do no-one any harm ,got couple of those old horse drawn caravans and sell the wood carvings they make ,its the ones that rip down fences and park on private land and leave all sorts of crap behind id refer to as ■■■■■’s.

Why has this been removed from UK drivers forum?

That’s the forum that got the ■■■■■ related threads locked, so that’s where the poll should appear :bulb:

I’m thinking that if the poll results were more in favour of NOT using the term ■■■■■, then it would’ve stayed where it was for all to see :unamused:

from a conversation with a very pretty gypsy bird my brother had 1 night gypsy and gypo are perfectly fine. they do find ■■■■■ offensive tho. I think that 1 ruined his chances lol. I did vote no above cos it doesn’t offend me. There r lots of “slang” terms that aren’t acceptable these days, can’t pick and choose what gets banned and what’s ok.

Why has this been removed from UK drivers forum?

It is in the UK Drivers Forum, well at least thats where I picked it up from.

Since the powers that be have decided that we cannot use the word ■■■■■, I thought a quick poll may be interesting.

So, does it offend you to hear or read the word ‘■■■■■’

Comments will be monitored by the PC police, so please refrain from references to stealing diesel or anything that isn’t nailed down, conning old people, not paying taxes, tresspassing on people’s land and leaving piles of human excrement behind, being uneducated, being married to close family and generally being the most antisocial members of society, there’s more of course, but we’re not allowed to offend, so bringing it up will serve no purpose other than to offend.

Please take part in the poll, then maybe, by some miracle, common sense will prevail :open_mouth:

You do realise that TRIKKI will have your pants down on this for inciting racial hate :open_mouth: so be prepared to have rule 298 part xiii amendment 3 thrown at you followed by a load of waffle about puppets and strings and how it’s out of his hands etc etc etc etc. :laughing:

Who were the 2 people who voted ‘yes’ ? :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Bet they haven’t got the guts to post here though.

I’d never heard of the word ■■■■■ before coming down ere. Up North (Hull and West Yorks) we used to call ‘them’ Gypo’s. They used to come around when I was a Kid and sharpen my Parents Knives, Scissors and Lawn Mower Blade.
I will always remember one morning hearing my Dad shout “those f ing Gypo’s have nicked my Car”. His new Orange Toyota something or other.
Never saw them or the Car again. That was in the 70’s in Hull.

Anyway, ■■■■■■, Gypo’s, same thing. How can it be offensive, it’s what they are.

Wether your offended or not is immaterial, in law its can be used as a a racist term, I will not allow threads on here that use such terms in a manner that are intended to cause offence.

On the threads that were removed included comments like shoot them all, we should be allowed to beat them etc.

Only a few years ago that would have been acceptable against black people, the Irish and jews, its not acceptable against those people now and neither is it against the travelling community

If you dont like this… then dont use this website…
Full stop end of discussion…

this topic is locked and any other similar will be deleted… , if you dont like this decision then dont use these forums… goodbye.