I see a lot of hot air and BS in this industry and on the internet.
The only web sites I will believe now are the .gov sites
The only information I can find is from this site that states on the bottom of the page “Not stopping when asked to by a uniformed officer is an offence” but it dose not tell me what kind of offence and what the penalties are, infact to use the term a uniformed officer is a very broad term which could me any thing from a traffic warden to a environment agency officer.
So dose anyone have further information please? gov.uk/roadside-vehicle-che … ur-vehicle
As far as I can see there’s no statutory fine or anything like that, but as a professional driver you are likely to be invited to coffee and biscuits with the TC if you ignore an instruction to stop or follow a DVSA enforcement officer.
The offence is obstructing an enforcement officer in the course of their job, or something like that.
Having said that, as you’re only going to believe what you read on the .gov website and I have no way of writing on there you’re probably not going to believe me anyway
it’s not dealt with by way of fixed penalty, it’s a trip to court and after that it’s a trip to the traffic commissioner for public enquiry.
an old boss of mine failed too stop for a dvsa officer 3 or 4 years ago, police stopped him 15 miles further on where he was charged with failing to stop and a couple other things after they checked the truck. think he got fined something like £300 for the failing to stop then went to see the traffic commissioner who suspended his c&e licence for 6 months and his operators licence for 2 weeks.
10 or so years ago I used to do subbie work for TNT, we had Laminated sheets in the cab to hold up to the window if we ever got pulled by Vosa stating that we would follow them to a police station and stop there but that we would have to refuse a roadside check. I think there was a spate of robberies at the time involving fake coppers/vosa.
Never got pulled so didn’t got the chance to see how a genuine Vosa would have reacted to the sign.
we had them when we was moving high value loads to and from bonded warehouses and a government facilty on the west side of glasgow, we always travelled in groups of 3 - 5, always ran to route plan and if 1 broke down we were all to stop with it and call the office immediately who would alert police
Tom Cobbles:
I see a lot of hot air and BS in this industry and on the internet.
The only web sites I will believe now are the .gov sites
The only information I can find is from this site that states on the bottom of the page “Not stopping when asked to by a uniformed officer is an offence” but it dose not tell me what kind of offence and what the penalties are, infact to use the term a uniformed officer is a very broad term which could me any thing from a traffic warden to a environment agency officer.
So dose anyone have further information please? gov.uk/roadside-vehicle-che … ur-vehicle
Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat
That said, there is quite a few uniformed officers that have the powers to stop, yes even failing to stop for a lollypop lady is an offence and can land you in court, the same I should say if you failed to stop for a traffic warden who was directing traffic, or a highways traffic officer who was had stopped the traffic on the highways.
Failure to stop would be the same for all I should think, a fine and points.
10 or so years ago I used to do subbie work for TNT, we had Laminated sheets in the cab to hold up to the window if we ever got pulled by Vosa stating that we would follow them to a police station and stop there but that we would have to refuse a roadside check. I think there was a spate of robberies at the time involving fake coppers/vosa.
Never got pulled so didn’t got the chance to see how a genuine Vosa would have reacted to the sign.
I have got one of those on my bag issued by the mail company i do a few shifts for - never had the chance to try it out either
I personally believe they also like winding you up,coming back to my depot about 3 yrs ago on the M4 eastbound,saw the gestapo parked at the side,i was driving an 06 plate merc for a well known retailer in Swindon,anyone who has seen these mercs know they ain’t the best motors,so I go past them not making eye contact,get about a quarter of a mile and look in my mirror only to see them pull onto the motorway,i thought here we go nick time,they drove alongside my motor for a few seconds then drove on and disappeared,swear they do it on purpose to get our backs up.
I personally believe they also like winding you up,coming back to my depot about 3 yrs ago on the M4 eastbound,saw the gestapo parked at the side,i was driving an 06 plate merc for a well known retailer in Swindon,anyone who has seen these mercs know they ain’t the best motors,so I go past them not making eye contact,get about a quarter of a mile and look in my mirror only to see them pull onto the motorway,i thought here we go nick time,they drove alongside my motor for a few seconds then drove on and disappeared,swear they do it on purpose to get our backs up.
So, are you complaining that they went past and didn’t stop you?
Thats from the horses mouth as it were, doesn’t sound like much of a deterrent - an 8 week holiday off work
Also I saw this reddit post where a verified police officer says that even failing to stop for the police is only a £50 fine and no points on your licence
Thats from the horses mouth as it were, doesn’t sound like much of a deterrent - an 8 week holiday off work
That would cost me between £5600 and £6800 in lost wages. Even if I had my full 6 weeks holiday to use that’s still up to over a grand and a half I’d lose. Much more of a penalty than 3 points and £100 fine.
Thats from the horses mouth as it were, doesn’t sound like much of a deterrent - an 8 week holiday off work
Assuming you still have a job to go back to, in cases such as this this the employer would have a solid reason to dismiss you: losing your HGV entitlement by disobeying the law. Afterwards, which company is going to give you a start with this on your CV ?
Remember an agency driver a few year back didn’t stop for Vosa when they pulled in front of him and stuck the follow me signs on,police stopped him further down road and I believe he got a court appearance and who ever was on the operator license at the time was invited for the tea and biscuits,like I said it was a few year ago and can’t remember what came of it apart from company was cleared of any blame.
10 or so years ago I used to do subbie work for TNT, we had Laminated sheets in the cab to hold up to the window if we ever got pulled by Vosa stating that we would follow them to a police station and stop there but that we would have to refuse a roadside check. I think there was a spate of robberies at the time involving fake coppers/vosa.
Never got pulled so didn’t got the chance to see how a genuine Vosa would have reacted to the sign.
I have got one of those on my bag issued by the mail company i do a few shifts for - never had the chance to try it out either
Thats from the horses mouth as it were, doesn’t sound like much of a deterrent - an 8 week holiday off work
Assuming you still have a job to go back to, in cases such as this this the employer would have a solid reason to dismiss you: losing your HGV entitlement by disobeying the law. Afterwards, which company is going to give you a start with this on your CV ?
You must be new to the industry. The majority of waste removal places are cowboys, paying the absolute minimum and expect you to fly around all day running overloaded in some 10+ year old heap lit up inside like a Christmas tree. He could have been working at any one of a dozen different skip companies in his locale the very next day if he’d wanted to.
I used to work for a recycling/waste company for about 9 years - and not one of the big ones like Biffa - they once finished a guy who got arrested: not charged, not prosecuted, just arrested - which can happen to anyone. So even some waste companies can have “standards”
I personally believe they also like winding you up,coming back to my depot about 3 yrs ago on the M4 eastbound,saw the gestapo parked at the side,i was driving an 06 plate merc for a well known retailer in Swindon,anyone who has seen these mercs know they ain’t the best motors,so I go past them not making eye contact,get about a quarter of a mile and look in my mirror only to see them pull onto the motorway,i thought here we go nick time,they drove alongside my motor for a few seconds then drove on and disappeared,swear they do it on purpose to get our backs up.
So, are you complaining that they went past and didn’t stop you?
Count your blessings I’d say.[emoji2]
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They were feeding your details into the computer, it was finding out if your truck was taxed, tested, specified on O licence, insured, had any prohibitions etc.
Clearly all legal, so on your way.
Some of the DVSA cars will pull in front of you, and flash up a message on the LED sign “we are checking your vehicle .” Next thing it will either flash up 'Follow me" or “Have a safe journey”
Thats from the horses mouth as it were, doesn’t sound like much of a deterrent - an 8 week holiday off work
That would cost me between £5600 and £6800 in lost wages. Even if I had my full 6 weeks holiday to use that’s still up to over a grand and a half I’d lose. Much more of a penalty than 3 points and £100 fine.
Thats from the horses mouth as it were, doesn’t sound like much of a deterrent - an 8 week holiday off work
That would cost me between £5600 and £6800 in lost wages. Even if I had my full 6 weeks holiday to use that’s still up to over a grand and a half I’d lose. Much more of a penalty than 3 points and £100 fine.
Nicely shoehorned in there
I wouldnt get out of bed for that well someone had to say it