Off to the Clinic

The powers that be have given permission for a
extended stay atTHIS Clinic
They are going to see if i can still work as
a Lorry driver, or have to either retrain or take early
retirement from work, I am hopeing THAT they say
to me staying in the driveing profession.
as i just can not imagen me enjoying the prospect
of staying at home , The problem is that I am 56
and a disabled person and it will difficult to
get a retraining course ,as they are all ready hinting
I am too old, and they would that i rather took retirement,
Still we will just have to wait and see what happens in the next
3-5weeks at the clinic.

Good luck, Pete, that clinic looks fab!

What is it that makes them think you may have to stop driving, if you don’t mind me asking?

Hi Pete. :smiley:

Sorry to hear that you need to go to the clinic, but it sure does look like a nice place to get better.

I’d like to think that you’ll get better and be able to carry on driving, but if you do need to retrain, why not think about becoming a translator?
I’m thinking that wouldn’t need too much effort on your part, rather than you having to learn something completely new from scratch. :wink:
Another idea might be for you to get a job in an import/export office, because you already understand the procedures. Again, I’m thinking of you not having to learn a completely new subject. :smiley:

Gute Besserung. :grimacing:

@ Lucy, i have the misfortune to have
more than one problem,the list starts
with false knees , to hips that have
co ax artrhose, and buggered spine and
shoulders,( the list is a abridged version) oh yeh we found out this
augest , that i have only 1 kidney, unfortunatly
we found out too late as i have been takeing
pain killersfor the last 5years and it seems
they should not have used the ones prescribed,
So I am haveing to learn new rules about eating,
got a few more but if i print the lot ,some one will
want to have me put down, Here in germany the system
has various departments that cover workers safety
and i had the misfortune to get checked out by
one who has decided, I am not capable at this present time
of doing my job as a driver, so at this clinic they will
check me out and see if they can get me back to work
or send me off to either retrain or send me to eary retirement,

@dieseldave, yes if i can,t drive , i will try to get
into the office as a TM or perhaps a training
teacher, just have to see what the labour office
will allow me to do,
Vielen Dank Dave.

That’s quite a list, Pete! :open_mouth: Don’t lose heart, though…I’m living, breathing proof of how knackered a bod can be and still hang in there on the road. Best of luck to you, mate…Let us know how you go on. ((((HUGS)))) :wink:

Thanks a lot Lucy , will do that, i am hopeing they have a
internet site that we can use , and if so will drop in and
report how the reha is going. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi All, just managed to get a holiday pass, for two days
so i am home for 48hrs , have to be back in the clinic
on friday afternoon.

Have been given the nice news that i have earnt a present ,Yes
a extra weeks extention at the clinic, they are doing their best to
repair the problems that i have, but are not sure if, I can return to work
still we will just have to wait and see what is; the result later on,
They have quite a few drivers here and we all seem to suffer
with the same aliments in different stages some being worse
off than others,Happy christmass to every one and also a
happy new year as well,

I missed Petes brief visit home and wanted to wish him all the best for Christmas and the future.

If you can read these posts Pete. I am thinking of you and will understand if you cannot reply for a while.

Hello all, got home last thursday
but have only now got round to
putting a few words down. Have
still been passed unfit for work
and have to see my kidney doctor
on wenseday , to get some answers
I feel okay but they still belive i am
not capable of working, will be waiting
as to hear what he will say to me,
many thanks to all, cheers pete

Hi Pete.
Sorry to hear about that.
Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery and that you get the green light to continue driving.
At least you’ve got the benefit of the German health system as opposed to the NHS :wink:
Gute Besserung, Kumpel

I hope they get you sorted out pete.
Good Luck

Sorry to hear of your maladies Pete.Hope your back behind the wheel soon.

I was hopeing not to have to post here again but
i am still off work and after last weeks visit to
my kidney doc, He took the time and trouble
to phone me to visit him again next week as
he is not at all amused with me and my kidney,
it is misbehaveing, so we will be giveing another
lot of blood samples to be checked and seen if the
kidney is working as it should, :slight_smile:

Hi Pete, Sorry to hear that you’re still out of action. :frowning:

Good luck for your next visit to the kidney Dr, Hals u. Beinbruch as they say in Germany. :grimacing:

Gute Besserung. :smiley:

Well I was hopeing not to have to post such news
but I am still off work, have been to one doc and
have another date with my kidney specialist on the
20th may see what he says this time, it seems my
kreatin levels are still too high,( think thats what he said?)
must remember
to drink even more than 3liters a day, sorrry NO
beer is not allowed. has to be H_2o, water,

Sorry to hear that you’re not fully recovered, Pete. :frowning:

Keeping my fingers crossed for you that things will improve and you’ll soon be back driving again. :unamused:

I have been putting this off as , I hate putting yet another nail,in my coffin but the future looks bad they are still writing me off sick and now a official letter about retraining, is doing the rounds, have to wait and see what they will offer me or not,I can drive ,but not allowed (can,t) do physical work, so will be waiting for the answer from the LVA office on what they decide to do as regards myself

brit pete:
I have been putting this off as , I hate putting yet another nail,in my coffin but the future looks bad they are still writing me off sick and now a official letter about retraining, is doing the rounds, have to wait and see what they will offer me or not,I can drive ,but not allowed (can,t) do physical work, so will be waiting for the answer from the LVA office on what they decide to do as regards myself

Hi Pete,
:open_mouth: What’s all this about nails and coffins??

The way your post reads (to me at least) you’re still fit to drive, so why not try ‘drop-and-swop’ trunking work, where just a trailer swop is needed before returning to base? (Very little re-training required for that. :wink: )
TBF though, I’ve no idea whether the Germans do that kind of thing, but there’s lots of it in the UK.

I wouldn’t want to write you off just yet mate, so what do you think?

Dave I have had MEDICAL from a specialist whose job is
to give a answer of wither you are fit to carry out the job
or not, His evaluation of my medical health has meant me
losing my job, even with my disabled pass, and now I am
just waiting, for the LVA office to come back with a answer
as to what ,if any thing they will allow me to do, It seems I have
to just sit it out and wait, I can not take up employment until
they answer, I will either be retrained (?) ,or they will send me into
retirement and then perhaps I can find a firm like you said who does
Drive and drop, type work, Yes Dave this is all that I can do, as Physical
work of any kind is a no no,I had thought about learning about
lashing and securing of loads and perhaps exporting it over to the UK
as a possible course for part of the Drivers CPC, Over here they are
giving courses and these are excepted as part of the Drivers CPC;
well we hope that they answer will be given soon,but every one knows
office -blods do seem to work at the speed of snails,

brit pete:
Dave I have had MEDICAL from a specialist whose job is
to give a answer of wither you are fit to carry out the job
or not, His evaluation of my medical health has meant me
losing my job, even with my disabled pass, and now I am
just waiting, for the LVA office to come back with a answer
as to what ,if any thing they will allow me to do, It seems I have
to just sit it out and wait, I can not take up employment until
they answer, I will either be retrained (?) ,or they will send me into
retirement and then perhaps I can find a firm like you said who does
Drive and drop, type work, Yes Dave this is all that I can do, as Physical
work of any kind is a no no,I had thought about learning about
lashing and securing of loads and perhaps exporting it over to the UK
as a possible course for part of the Drivers CPC, Over here they are
giving courses and these are excepted as part of the Drivers CPC;
well we hope that they answer will be given soon,but every one knows
office -blods do seem to work at the speed of snails,

Hi Pete, Sorry mate, I didn’t realise what the system in Germany entails, cos I’ve never lived there.
I’m glad there’s cause for optimism though. :smiley:

As for your idea of a load lashing course, any type of driver related course can be submitted for approval to DSA/JAUPT, so I can’t see a problem with your idea fitting in as an option for driver CPC over here.

Yes, agreed Pete, the speed of work done by Beamten is pretty slow no matter where you are. :grimacing:

Chin up mate, and let’s have no more talk of nails and coffins eh? :wink: :smiley: