O-oh! Tesco first time!

Deliver to Magor now and again. Back on bay.Tacho on break take keys in, hook up to mp3 player, get coffee and read and chill out, done in 45 minutes usually. sometimes even less. But let me stay on bay till 45 done :wink:

the maoster:
It aint Tosco, but i’m sat in the waiting room at Iceland Swindon, where I’ve been for three hours. I’m in the “sin bin” cos I’m apparently 24hrs late. Told them the traffic was murder but that made no difference (apart from the WOOSH) noise.

Still, I am the only English speaker in here so can handle the bollox been spouted in paperclip or whatever language it is!

Haha, I work in the warehouse as a forkie at the Iceland RDC in Warrington, usually the turnaround is pretty good, they normally have a couple of guys on goods in who can do a full trailer in about an hour, depending whats on it. Never heard of a ‘sin bin’ though. Normally the drivers check in and their paperwork is put into a tray and the goods in guys take from the top. If you can, collar a goods in guy and see if they can do you sooner, don’t be stroppy or arrogant though, drivers like that get their paperwork put to the bottom of the pile (but I never said that!).

Usually at my place they only have 2 goods in guys on at a time, anymore and the floor space fills up and they have to wait for the forkies to clear some room.

Some of the clerks are sound aswell, they’ll do their best to help, but some are just toss bags.

Anyway, just thought I’d offer my 2p worth!

All tesco sites in the UK like tho company itself are tish, every single one of them(except maybe snod where you can get away with sitting in your cab). If it wasn’t for this stupid unjustified rule the job would be a good un’…

You ain’t been in snodland for awhile then as now they have a portacabin you have to sit in opposite the goods in office.

I don’t bother with the portacabin usually, straight upstairs to the canteen where they have more venders, a TV and a good well priced meal if your there at the right time.

You’re right I haven’t been for a while as I’ve been taken off chill jobs… Canteen has always been a good place to go whilst beeing tipped!

They have improved recently. In and out in about 50 mins at Magor.

The usual crap conversation in drivers rest room and coffee machine is crap lol

I rememebr when I did a Magor change over when I drove for Kiln Farm the stupid rules were worse then any other depot. I was at the gate and leaving one night and the fre alarm went off in the main building, they refused to let me out and told me I must return to the bay I had left so I could be accounted for :open_mouth: “I have left the [zb] bay and leaving and you want me to go back and burn to death ?”
I did not move and got a warning back at Kiln Farm :laughing:

Reckon Southampton is the best. Two temperatures on trailer never as much aggro as at other RDCs. If it’s only about four pallets then they run it through. Can’t remember ever being longer than 45 mins to 1 hr. No problem either when toilets were shut for repairs - just ask at the desk and shown through to staff set.

All tesco sites in the UK like tho company itself are tish, every single one of them(except maybe snod where you can get away with sitting in your cab). If it wasn’t for this stupid unjustified rule the job would be a good un’…

Not a chance now, there is a security man that checks your doors are locked and that no one is in your cab. If the doors are unlocked they refuse to tip you until you lock them.


TOSSERS I prefer to address them as…