Just a quick one guys and girls.
How much did you pay to post your Annex A advert?
I’m waiting for a price back from one paper in my area but the other paper big enough to satisfy the VOSTAPO quoted £636.00 + VAT to run the advert! I was horrified and of course told them to get bent. If the other paper comes back close to that price I’m gonna have to change operating centres. The company I’m subbing for says they paid £80 inc VAT when they ammended their licence last year.
Its expensive, they know they have you by the balls as they know you have to advertise , 15 yrs ago i paid over £300 and last year my brother paid £580
I think I paid £56 2 yrs ago ,before that I paid £120 .
Normally £250-£350. Though one just outside the area I was doing last week was only £91. It’s a total rip-off, even the government are moaning about it as the councils are spending many millions every year publishing notices.
Around £250.00-300.00 incl. VAT in my experience for local rags…maybe less if it’s a bit of a backwater, could be a helluva lot more for a more major paper in a large city…2x3 inch invitation for local whingers and official bodies to screw your chances of starting up…money well spent eh!!!
Recently paid round £240 plus vat as BigBurner says
Recently paid round £240 plus vat as BigBurner says
You on your way as an operator then? 
I know you were looking into it, but hadn’t read anything else from you about it.
£636 does seem way over the top, but as others have said it always seems expensive and the papers know they have you over a barrel.
but I’m sure last time I did one it was less than £200 and that was for the Tunbridge Wells area.
With lower circulations and local papers closing it must be time for a review into the placement of public notices.
Recently paid round £240 plus vat as BigBurner says
You on your way as an operator then? 
I know you were looking into it, but hadn’t read anything else from you about it.
yeah, things are in progress, hopeflly ready by end of May, thanks for asking 
£636 does seem way over the top, but as others have said it always seems expensive and the papers know they have you over a barrel.
but I’m sure last time I did one it was less than £200 and that was for the Tunbridge Wells area.
With lower circulations and local papers closing it must be time for a review into the placement of public notices.
Probably get read by more people if you put it on Twitter or Facebook these days.
It’s certainly ripe for review. TBH there’s no need for anyone operating from a bona fide industrial estate to advertise and VOSA should just be looking on streetview, where possible. There should be a major push to remove the hurdles and getting people operating compliantly faster.
Own Account Driver:
£636 does seem way over the top, but as others have said it always seems expensive and the papers know they have you over a barrel.
but I’m sure last time I did one it was less than £200 and that was for the Tunbridge Wells area.
With lower circulations and local papers closing it must be time for a review into the placement of public notices.
Probably get read by more people if you put it on Twitter or Facebook these days.
It’s certainly ripe for review. TBH there’s no need for anyone operating from a bona fide industrial estate to advertise and VOSA should just be looking on streetview, where possible. There should be a major push to remove the hurdles and getting people operating compliantly faster.
This ^^^ so many times over.
Got one to do it for £120 so it could have been worse.
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Wrexham Leader £140.00 plus vat
I did one a few months ago in Glouscester. £140.80 +VAT.