I’m wrapping myself up in knots trying to figure out if I should be moving towards formal contracts when agreeing long term work; and how best to charge…so any advice would be appreciated.
So far I have two customers who are keen on my business model. One has indicated work will be seasonal, 6 months a year, involving long distance. The other, peaks and troughs as demand dictates - some days will be a couple of low mileage drops; others will be full loads in excess of 200 miles one way.
Now, I know my fixed overheads per day; and my variable expenses per mile. The seasonal long distance stuff I know I can price per mile as the mileage involved is sufficient to cover these, plus a reasonable salary.
But I’m really struggling to figure out how best to price the ongoing yet fluctuating work. Do I have set a minimum daily rate + mileage? Or charge high per mile, and reduce the mileage charge in bands? Charge per hour plus mileage?
Clearly the client wants a fairly firm idea of what his transport costs are going to be, long term. How do you guys skins this type of scenario?
Cheers all.