O Connors....stobart ports widnes

Why do the stobarts drivers based at the widnes rail head still deliver containers on oconnors notes? Stobart must have bought oconnor out at least 5 years ago.

TOO tight to change the stationery :sunglasses: and plus they don’t have to give the DRIVERS a pay rise! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: believe it :laughing:

Our depot is still painted in Corby chilled colours 7 yrs on :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: ,our new depot managerthought it looked smart until someone pointed out it was painted in Corby chilled green,not stobart green :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .
They’ve still not been able to raise the funds for a few tins of paint yet :exclamation: :exclamation:

Probably got a few thousand boxes of notes, and being tight northerners they can’t bring themselves to chuck them

we aren’t tight …we are thrifty :smiley:

I would imagine although Stobarts own Connors they still trade in their own name for tax purposes, which makes sense, as nobody likes paying out more tax than they need to

I work for Stobart Ports, the O’Connor name is suppost to be going for good this year. I know the blue O’Connor trailers have all the stickers removed when they go for service. In a few months there won’t be any left in O’Connors livery. I still get O’Connor paperwork and have O’Connor on my wage slip, although the wage slip has a Stobart frank on it!

I work for Stobart ports out the Widnes depot my contract is for oconnors, paperwork and wage slips too!! But we do wear the uniform and drive trucks with the ESL Livery :neutral_face: (tumble weed moment)

There’s fewer blue oconnor trailers now most got fobbed off with a load of ■■■■ 11 plate scania’s we don’t need to our stoke ports depot :slight_smile: poor ■■■■■■■■ lol ! Even our cranes still have oconnors on it!

More and more red Ports trailers are being added to the fleet thank ■■■■

Apparently a pay rise is due in the next few months, could be being took over officially meaning new contracts with Stobart and getting their drivers benefits i.e us ports drivers don’t get fuel bonus nor meal allowance, just a measly hourly rate with the usual overtime malarkey.

It’s true about the 11 plate knackers. One of your guys was using a 63 plate for shunting at B&M Speke today, the best we get are 12 platers with 500k on the clock.

We still try to cherry pick the nice red trailers though!

Anyone see O’C himself on that Planners programme the other night? He was applying for pp to knock a perfectly good 20’s detached down and build two Lego houses in its place! In Frodsham!
BBC Two - Permission Impossible: Britain's Planners, Episode 1 start 7.34.
Who says there’s no money in haulage? - look at his gaff!

It’s true about the 11 plate knackers. One of your guys was using a 63 plate for shunting at B&M Speke today, the best we get are 12 platers with 500k on the clock.

We still try to cherry pick the nice red trailers though!

Lol keep your hands off them laa, yeah the system is strange our trampers have 11/12 plates and days/nights use 11/12/13 plates but have a lot of 13/63 plates. luckily I have a 13 plate but do days Monday-Friday and few nights outs a week so get to keep my own truck which no one uses.

Jobs cushy compared to my previous jobs just hope this pay rise actually happens as I’ll be honest 8.03 an hour with no fuel bonus nor meal allowance is pretty ■■■■

Steve o Connor did very well out of selling to stobart. He sold it for millions and also stayed on at the company on a huge salary. Not a bad deal at all!