Now Trucknet Posting Rules

I have a few suggestions for Rikki and the mods with regards to posts on the forum.

1 - Anyone who uses the phrase “todays appalling driving standards” or “the ■■■■ poor standards of most drivers” will now be required to provide proof that THEIR driving is so superior to everyone else. This will be in the form of an advanced driving certificate or awards won for superior driving. With out this proof, slagging off driving standards as a collective whole is banned

2 - Anyone who wants to use phrases like “thick pricks I have to deal with on a daily basis” or “the thick pricks who use this forum” is now required to show proof of their mensa membership, or at least some sort of evidence of their advanced IQ and intelligence which they base their superiority over anyone else on

3 - Anyone who posts phrases like “the thick pricks I have to share the road with” is now required to provide evidence to satisfy both rules 1 & 2

4 - Starting a new thread automatically bars you from chucking your toys out the pram if it does not go as you expected. If other members question your version of events then explaining you think they are wrong is all you are allowed. If other members descend to name calling or insults then you can respond how you please but only if they do it first not simply because you didnt get the gushing praise or back slaps you were looking for. Rules 1, 2 & 3 above still apply though

5 - Anyone who wants to gleefully report that you can earn a better hourly wage stacking shelves at tesco is now only allowed to post this when they have taken a job doing such. If it is so good, go and do it then and stop boring the rest of us by prattling on about it.

I have a few suggestions for Rikki and the mods with regards to posts on the forum.

1 - Anyone who uses the phrase “todays appalling driving standards” or “the ■■■■ poor standards of most drivers” will now be required to provide proof that THEIR driving is so superior to everyone else. This will be in the form of an advanced driving certificate or awards won for superior driving. With out this proof, slagging off driving standards as a collective whole is banned

2 - Anyone who wants to use phrases like “thick pricks I have to deal with on a daily basis” or “the thick pricks who use this forum” is now required to show proof of their mensa membership, or at least some sort of evidence of their advanced IQ and intelligence which they base their superiority over anyone else on

3 - Anyone who posts phrases like “the thick pricks I have to share the road with” is now required to provide evidence to satisfy both rules 1 & 2

4 - Starting a new thread automatically bars you from chucking your toys out the pram if it does not go as you expected. If other members question your version of events then explaining you think they are wrong is all you are allowed. If other members descend to name calling or insults then you can respond how you please but only if they do it first not simply because you didnt get the gushing praise or back slaps you were looking for. Rules 1, 2 & 3 above still apply though

5 - Anyone who wants to gleefully report that you can earn a better hourly wage stacking shelves at tesco is now only allowed to post this when they have taken a job doing such. If it is so good, go and do it then and stop boring the rest of us by prattling on about it.

NOW OR NEW■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Thick Prick

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: to both of the above.

tango boy:
NOW OR NEW■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Thick Prick


Think this falls under Now Rule 4


tango boy:
NOW OR NEW■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Thick Prick


Think this falls under Now Rule 4

Yep, rule 4 section dictates I can now respond in kind. You ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Isn’t there something in Rikki’s rules about baiting other members? :smiley:

I’d like to apply for chapter eleven censorship please. :frowning:

I never understood why it’s ok to say “crap”, “■■■■”, and “■■■■■■■■” on here, but not “■■■■”, “■■■■”, and “■■■■■■■■”. :confused:

I have a few suggestions for Rikki and the mods with regards to posts on the forum.

1 - :smiley:

2 - :smiley:

3 - :wink:

4 - :laughing:

5 - :unamused: :laughing:

FFS there are more than enough rules now without inventing more!

I’ll get banned if I post proof of thick pricks :blush:

there are more than enough rules now without inventing more!

This :slight_smile:

Also this

Posts that do not make any sensible contribution to the forum will simply go
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Thread locked