
I’ve heard these names before and can’t remember where, I guess it was on here. I’ve had a search, but can’t find anything. I would say at a guess 90% Of the agencies round here state that they prefer self employed drivers to work with these firms :open_mouth: :confused: . I would like to know who they are and if they are anything to do with DePole. Also I don’t think this is right. I’m going for a permenant job now because I’ve got fed up with agencies alltogeather, but can they force you to go through a particular firm?

I’ve heard these names before and can’t remember where, I guess it was on here. I’ve had a search, but can’t find anything.

Scratch that bit :unamused::lol:.

The reason they pefer you to go through these people is that it cuts the agencies cost down. The agency would not have topay you holiday pay, sick pay or pay your National Insurance, all these details are taken care of by Nova etc. Nova type companies set up a Ltd Company on your behalf and you become the sole employee/Director of that company, you then in effect pay yourself the wage and all your expenses. I think they take £20-30 per week to do this. Which is over a grand a year. For that you can set up your own Ltd co. (£39) and then have a accountant do the books (£3-400per year) and be far better off. You als have to negioate with the agency for a higher hourly rate, I would want at least £1.50 per hour more.

As for can they force you to do it, then the answer is NO, In fact if you only work for one agency then you should be PAYE if you look at the Tax regs and the IR35 rules.

here you are i was speaking to a driver on sunday who is on it and he said if the topline on his wages is £500 he will take home £450 with all the little tax fiddles they put you onto. and where i pay £40/£50 per week ni he pays … £2.00. im looking into it at the moment i did put a thread on here called being self employed or it might have been nova but go back i think it was in feb or beginning of march im not sure just look for threads that ive posted.
people did say you can do it cheaper yourself but this driver said he tried that but it was easy going through nova.
when you sign up for an agency shop about cos some will pay you more for doing it through nova cos they dont pay any admin fess they just send all your money to nova.

definatly let us know what they say and how you get on :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Agencies have to make a minimum of 27%, on top of your hourly rate, to cover NI, employer contributions, holiday pay, adminstration, etc.

As your self-employed, the agency doesn’t have to pay NI etc. so you can claim an extra 18% on top of your hourly rate, the remaining 9% is for the agency to cover their administrative costs.

Most agencies will add 40% plus to their temp’s hourly rate so they’re making a minimum of 13% profit. When I worked as a Consultant for a particular agency, they were adding anything up to 70% to a driver’s hourly pay rate - thats 43% profit! It was big national distribution companies that were paying these rates, often for 20-30 drivers a week - your proverbial “license to print money”!!!

As I’m only working a couple or three days a week at the moment whilst I look for that decent elusive full time job, I don’t think it’s worth my while (fed up with being treated like [zb] by agencies TBH). But thanks for the info guys. I’d go the way of the limited company if I were going for it as rates seem to be £1.50 - £2.00 per hour more than around here, plus the tax breaks, it might be worth my while. My sister’s just about to qualify as an accountant on the PAYE front as well :smiley: , which would make life easier :wink:. The way I’d go would be to contract myself out, I reckon I could do a better job than some agencies at a much better rate and still make quite a decent wage at the end of the day :wink:. I’ll have to go into this in detail.



Because oh the rduced rate that is paid in N.I. At £2.00 a week,what happens when you come to pension age.Will they say you are not entitled to anything.

Tony B

Because oh the rduced rate that is paid in N.I. At £2.00 a week,what happens when you come to pension age.Will they say you are not entitled to anything.

Tony B

by the time i retire there wont be anything left in the pot anyway.