Not what I would have done!

Case in piont your mate did get to Germany so is he the ■■■ :question:

Now, if I had posted that my mate had been collected by VOSA or the BAG because he carried on with this fault when he should have stopped you would have been saying “well what a ■■■ he is - he knew there was a brake warning fault”.

Anyway it’s too late now I told him in the pub last night that he was a ■■■, he couldn’t hear me because he still has ringing in his ears from that ■■■■■■ alarm. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Happy Keith:

‘…the brakes won’t fail because of an electrical problem…’

Eh :question:

Is it because all the computerisation, microprocessors, solenoids and selector valves, etc, are powered by magic :question:

No it is because they are still powered with old fashioned compressed air, valves and actuators.

Happy Keith:

‘…the brakes won’t fail because of an electrical problem…’

Eh :question:

Is it because all the computerisation, microprocessors, solenoids and selector valves, etc, are powered by magic :question:

The parking brake is manually operated, it is a fail safe system to be used in an emergency, until it locks into the final position it operates the brakes on all axles, so the brake pedal itself could fall off and you can still stop any lorry on the road today, EBS or not :wink:

Volvo is another one where the electrical system plays games, after the first 2 or 3 wierd alerts for nothing the guys in the office tend to have a ■■■■ good idea what the problem is so long as the driver passes on all the relevant information , we have 3 Volvos that are a right pain in the ■■■■■■ with warnings popping up every couple days advising about all sorts then they just stop afer a while even though the vehicle has not been touched, not has many of these problems with a DAF though, and if it showing a brake fault and the air pressure is ok and the brakes actually work then it is obvious that is only an electrical problem

Mercedes are as bad, show defects on trailer when solo and have difficulty when hooked up to trailer with LED lights.

Until I’m in the situation I’m no sure what I’ll do. I’ve driven a lot of truck that throw up warnings, normally stopping and starting the truck clears the fault if not turning the isolator on and off will clear it.

I drive a Volvo at the moment and it thrown up a couple of warning and recently it went through a spate of blowing the central locking fuse whilst showing a light out on the trailer. :confused:

However sometimes those warnings systems are useful.
The electrical conections to the tail lights broke whilst I was driving, all the lights worked when we left that morning, but as I’m driving down the motorway the warnings come up Trailer Brake lights, Trailer indicator lights, etc. So we pulled in to the next available services and did running repairs, to get home.
Without the warnings we’d might not have known anything until the next morning checks.

Until I’m in the situation I’m no sure what I’ll do. I’ve driven a lot of truck that throw up warnings, normally stopping and starting the truck clears the fault if not turning the isolator on and off will clear it.

I drive a Volvo at the moment and it thrown up a couple of warning and recently it went through a spate of blowing the central locking fuse whilst showing a light out on the trailer. :confused:

However sometimes those warnings systems are useful.
The electrical conections to the tail lights broke whilst I was driving, all the lights worked when we left that morning, but as I’m driving down the motorway the warnings come up Trailer Brake lights, Trailer indicator lights, etc. So we pulled in to the next available services and did running repairs, to get home.
Without the warnings we’d might not have known anything until the next morning checks.

Were you pulling a MAT trailer? :laughing: