Not good enough for my daughter

The trick is to big up your occupation, those two words “Lorry Driver” have somewhat of a stereotype and conjure up images of fat sweaty foul mouthed oiks with tattooed forearms and limited vocabulary (add rigger boots and vest for bulker drivers).

When questioned by potential in-laws on one’s profession “Logistics Consultant” “Transport Facilitator” or “Freight Forwarding Specialist” my be the more prudent answer.

Seriously we have a saying in this part of the world which covers pretty much all subjects of this nature and that saying is **** em.

The trick is to big up your occupation, those two words “Lorry Driver” have somewhat of a stereotype and conjure up images of fat sweaty foul mouthed oiks with tattooed forearms and limited vocabulary (add rigger boots and vest for bulker drivers).

When questioned by potential in-laws on one’s profession “Logistics Consultant” “Transport Facilitator” or “Freight Forwarding Specialist” my be the more prudent answer.

Seriously we have a saying in this part of the world which covers pretty much all subjects of this nature and that saying is **** em.

The last sentence is better advice than the rest.The question is why is a girl of 26 still single anyway when there isn’t exactly a massive supply of good looking young women out there to choose from.

There seems to be a big problem of social climbing and social engineering going on in which the girls are ‘advised’ by their parents etc to go to college and be career girls,then wait until they are older to get married and have a family,with someone of the right age,with the right acedemic qualifications etc etc blah blah.

The best ones don’t listen to all that zb and are snapped up and married before they are 20 or not long after and their families aren’t stuck up about who it is they choose.

I’ve got to disagree there carryfast most of the girls under say 21 who seem to be settled down so to speak are your Jeremy Kyle fodder you know the type earrings the size of a truck wheel the Croydon facelift tight pony tail half the Argos jewlerey catalogue round there neck pushing a double buggy screaming at the kids. If there lucky some ■■■■■■ wearing a baseball cap sideways with a misspent tattoo on there neck drinking Stella at 10 am will have stuck round.
But not many decent hard working young people settling down.

I’ve got to disagree there carryfast most of the girls under say 21 who seem to be settled down so to speak are your Jeremy Kyle fodder you know the type earrings the size of a truck wheel the Croydon facelift tight pony tail half the Argos jewlerey catalogue round there neck pushing a double buggy screaming at the kids. If there lucky some ■■■■■■ wearing a baseball cap sideways with a misspent tattoo on there neck drinking Stella at 10 am will have stuck round.
But not many decent hard working young people settling down.

Blimey if that was all all true about all of them all of the time you’d better get over to Aldershot etc and tell everyone in the army that all the girls under 21 are off limits and that they can only go for career girls who are still single when they’re over 21 and who don’t want to get married until they’re at least 30.

But you’re right there are a few examples out there of my idea,of the good ones being married and having a family by the age of 21,all going wrong because they’ve found someone who treats them like zb.Think that description applied to Prince Charles and Dianna Spencer. :open_mouth: :laughing:

You don’t see many girls below say 21 settle down today most try it but find it don’t work, I my self tried it at 21 my girlfriend of 4 years was 19 at the time we got a flat lived together and after 6 months she decided she wanted more sausages
My last girlfriend was 22 we lived together 2years before we split but I was happy as she never had a relationship last more then 18 months do I was a record haha
Moral of the story

Women = nightmare
Women today split up too easy that’s why there’s so many single mums about today it’s not like in the old days where couples would argue till the cows come home and still get married
Women always listion to there mums to much today too if you can’t get the mother in law on your side from my experience your lost the battle

Solve the problem by getting the mother drunk, get her into bed and film the event. This will ensure her silence plus you will be able to keep the film for those long nights away!

Hiya… don’t knock this comment…i had a mate who was with this girl a couple of years he then dumped her
for the younger sister, that only carried on couple of months…the mother cornered my mate and said you must
have somthing intresting to cop these girls so easy…i’d like some of the action…yes he did…
and belive it or not the mother was a right snooty cow or she made you think she was.

17 years ago I met a lassie who is way a lot younger than me, and after we got ‘together’ it caused loads an loads of agro but we still got married and I was told by in laws I was the worst thing that had happened to their family but we are still together quite happily so I say stuff what the inlaws say. Go for it :slight_smile:

17 years ago I met a lassie who is way a lot younger than me, and after we got ‘together’ it caused loads an loads of agro but we still got married and I was told by in laws I was the worst thing that had happened to their family but we are still together quite happily so I say stuff what the inlaws say. Go for it :slight_smile:

Not as much aggro as it would cause these days though. :laughing: But the strange thing is some of them on here seem to think it’s better to go for the mother instead of the daughter. :open_mouth: :confused: :laughing:


17 years ago I met a lassie who is way a lot younger than me, and after we got ‘together’ it caused loads an loads of agro but we still got married and I was told by in laws I was the worst thing that had happened to their family but we are still together quite happily so I say stuff what the inlaws say. Go for it :slight_smile:

Not as much aggro as it would cause these days though. :laughing: But the strange thing is some of them on here seem to think it’s better to go for the mother instead of the daughter. :open_mouth: :confused: :laughing:

Cant beat an older mature women as long as she aint a dragon and have a face like a smacked a** :laughing:

As most truckies are about 45years plus, its no surprise that the mother could be of interest.There is no need to look at the mantlepeice while poking the fire.

As most truckies are about 45years plus, its no surprise that the mother could be of interest.There is no need to look at the mantlepeice while poking the fire.


I still don’t get it.Society seems to think that it’s more acceptable for to go for another bloke’s missus than his young single daughter just because of the age thing and it’s even’s money wether even he would be more upset about his daughter dating the older bloke than if it had been his wife instead. :open_mouth: :laughing:

But I think it’s better to use the car or truck analogy that a new one without much mileage on it looks and go’s better than an old second hand one. :smiling_imp: :smiley:

Today her parents turned round and said they think her and I should remain friends.

why did they turn round?

But I think it’s better to use the car or truck analogy that a new one without much mileage on it looks and go’s better than an old second hand one. :smiling_imp: :smiley:

But the second hand one can be more interesting, have more character and be nicely run in.

Older vehicles have loose bits.

With a new vehicle everything is nice and tight. The ride is smooth and you know it’s not going to pack up and die on you if you push it too hard.

If the bird is a keeper, this ain’t a bad thing, if they don’t like you, there’s less chance of having to waste your free time visiting them :bulb:

I’d have a bit of fun myself, like turning up for a cuppa in the lorry, doing really smelly ■■■’s, being really noisy while I give their daughter a ■■■■ good rogering, all the while being Mr Nice Guy to them.


But I think it’s better to use the car or truck analogy that a new one without much mileage on it looks and go’s better than an old second hand one. :smiling_imp: :smiley:

But the second hand one can be more interesting, have more character and be nicely run in.

I think that’s what Prince Charles probably thought when he dumped Dianna and went for Camilla. :open_mouth: :laughing:

post deleted 'cos it was to derogatory about our beloved prince charles and his beautiful old tart camilla (due to run in the 2.30 at Kempton)

Does any one know where we could get a lorry to flit this thread over to "Bullys bar.

If the bird is a keeper, this ain’t a bad thing, if they don’t like you, there’s less chance of having to waste your free time visiting them :bulb:

I’d have a bit of fun myself, like turning up for a cuppa in the lorry, doing really smelly ■■■’s, being really noisy while I give their daughter a ■■■■ good rogering, all the while being Mr Nice Guy to them.

Brilliant mate.

My missus’ mum hates me, always has, long before I was a truck driver, but I was best mates with my missus’ brother growing up, and kids get into trouble, for which I’m to blame for it all of course…

14yrs together in March, her opinion hasn’t meant much, possibly why we’re still together tbh :laughing:

Is the hair limited to the facial area or is it more of a full body covering?

she has more hair then a tramp