Not a union member long enough? ??

Me and my best mate joined Unite at the same time, we got persuaded by a geezer at work and all the leaflets and that made it look really good. My mate got the sack a few months later, so got the union involved and they said that he was unfairly dismissed and would get his job back. It went to an appeal and that failed but he was told not to worry they would take it to tribunal were he would definitely win.

Unite have now said that he hasn’t been a member long enough and won’t represent him. (the tribunal is in 2 weeks). He says that the company had to supply evidence or something and after that was done they came out with this! It looks more like they will only look after you if they can win?

Has anyone else found this?

In my experience the union, any union, looks after itself first and it’s paying members second.

That’s unions for ya all bark and no bite

I came on here a few months ago asking weather to join and after reading all the advice, some of which from shop stewards encouraged me enough to join. really don’t know what to make of it?

If your mate had been a member of Unite for at least 16 weeks prior to getting the sack tell him to get back on to them. He is entitled to full representation after 16 weeks. If they still decline, threaten them with the media.

a member of Unite for at least 16 weeks prior to getting the sack tell him to get back on to them

We both joined at the same time, it’s well over 16 weeks. I’ll let him know, thanks for the info.


a member of Unite for at least 16 weeks prior to getting the sack tell him to get back on to them

We both joined at the same time, it’s well over 16 weeks. I’ll let him know, thanks for the info.

On a course for the union at the moment at Liverpool and that question was raised and the answer was, you will get advise + shop steward help straight away but will have to wait 12 weeks for legal representation. Pm if you need anything else mate and I’ll try and answer.

been a member a good six months before he got the sack. They were all over him and promise him the earth. We both had a feeling there was an agenda towards the company rather than helping the member.
I’m starting to wonder if I am important as an individual or if its just money and a large membership that matters? I worry now that if any misfortune befalls me, they are gonna stiff me too. This isn’t the only time this has happened, whenever a union guy turns up to represent a driver, he either gets sacked or leaves, that’s not right surely?