Long time reader recently registered. Must say, loads of fantastic info here for people like myself interested in a career and reading through all the resources and opinions helped me make moves myself, so thanks to the community.
I’ve my 1st theory, hazard perception and cpc case study done, practical booked for a few weeks time so all being well and factoring in a resit to be safe I’m hoping to get qualified 7.5t+ rigid by Halloween.
Would anyone local be able to point me in the right direction of the best way to look for work, Companies doing casual work/what agencies?
I’d like to get comfortable with rigid before doing my C+E and switching careers full time but that would be the plan.
Have you looked at all the jobs online, Indeed, CV library, Reed, Glassdoor,?
I would see if any are local to you and sound interesting, usually they will say if new passes are acceptable or if experience is required, if it’s just preferably then I would still apply. Speak to them and they might point you in the right direction.
Good to just try different things until you get something you like.
Thanks for the advice, that would be the plan if (hopefully when) pass, can’t beat asking around and talking to people, was just wondering if anyone had experience of good agencies or companies to talk to and who might mess you around. Although I understand it won’t be the best work while getting experience.