I’ll just leave this here and no doubt trucknet CSI will be along shortly.
Looks like it could cause a bit of a mess. Think it was Sky News who called it a low speed collision… the smaller cargo ship broadsided it full bore though apparently. Aviation fuel p issing out into the North Sea.
BBC story updating here.
So far, one crew member missing and search abandoned. All others accounted for.
Tanker with jet fuel (paraffin type stuff) at anchor when cargo ship ran hard into it.
Pollution worries from tanker load, chemicals on other ship and ships’ heavy fuel.
Let’s hope the Captain Geoffrey Carryfast is ok, but he should have been on look out duty.
Thank goodness it wasn’t an A frame type of vessel.
I hope he wasn’t distracted by arguing with Francesco Schettino on an online forum just before it went horribly wrong.
Allegedly CF is best friends with Captain Franky of the Costa Concordia, I hope we don’t find out they were both wearing beer goggles at the time they were showing of the ship to impress a young lady on the shore.
They will have to analyse the tachograph records to check for fatigue and falling asleep at the wheel, the ship-nav was probably a cheap Chinese one bought from E-Bay.
Carryfast’s Silly Ideas?
Surprised he hasn’t appeared yet. The tanker has a 2 stroke engine too!!
Thank goodness the ship incident was not in Australia as Sir Geoffrey Carryfast would be lecturing us all for the definitive answer but has never been to Australia.
There was an item on tv last night about this.
From a sea training school in South Shields, they had a ship simulator, and they re.constructed the accident.
The ship anchored could be, and should have been clearly seen a good 30 mins before the collision, also the radar clearly indicated it’s position on the radar screen.
The guy said that regulations say there should be 2 people on the bridge, but it looked like it had been unmanned.
It kinda smacks of negligence and I reckon heads are gonna roll big style over this.
Apparentlly …(was it the skipper or the lookout ?) was Russian and ex Russian Navy, trained at their highest standard…
Which puts another aspect in the mix for the conspiracy theorists..
Having past experience of being Officer of the Watch, I can see only one of two possibilities.
1 - Due to cost saving there was no 2nd man/lookout and the watchkeeper was working a basic 72hrs a week i.e. 6hrs on 6hrs off, plus extra hours entering & leaving port and other responsibilities like Lifeboat/safety checks etc - meaning up to or more than 112hrs a week
So basically knackered & fell asleep - I know from experience that 6 on 6 off means you are permanently tired & desperately trying to stay awake.
2 - The US military chartered & US flagged tanker with 18,000 of Jet A1 for the USAF was a prime target.