Norman Tebbit on Bin Laden

From an article by the Chingford Skinhead in the Telegraph. :grimacing:

I would like to know whether and if so under what circumstances the LibDemCon coalition is in favour of the death penalty, with or without trial, within or outside our jurisdiction, for just which group of terrorists.
The more I think about it the more it seems to me that bin Laden was a bit of a mug not to come here and ask for political asylum.
Had he managed to get his wife and family in first he would have had a very strong case on grounds of his right to family life, and a nice house all paid for by the British taxpayers, not to mention plenty of friends in our universities.

44 Tonne Ton:
From an article by the Chingford Skinhead in the Telegraph. :grimacing:

I would like to know whether and if so under what circumstances the LibDemCon coalition is in favour of the death penalty, with or without trial, within or outside our jurisdiction, for just which group of terrorists.
The more I think about it the more it seems to me that bin Laden was a bit of a mug not to come here and ask for political asylum.
Had he managed to get his wife and family in first he would have had a very strong case on grounds of his right to family life, and a nice house all paid for by the British taxpayers, not to mention plenty of friends in our universities.

Don’t think the yanks would view walking the plank over the side of an aircraft carrier while blindfolded as the death penalty.It was probably considered more like an accident under US law. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Nobody listened to that daft old loon Tebbit when he was in the cabinet so I can’t imagine anyone does now

He was a man I loved to hate but I’ve mellowed now!

44 Tonne Ton:
Had he managed to get his wife and family in first he would have had a very strong case on grounds of his right to family life, and a nice house all paid for by the British taxpayers, not to mention plenty of friends in our universities.

I didn’t know politicians were allowed to speak the truth! :wink:
