Non Fixed Peak Decks - A moan from me

I’ve got a really big bug bear with a very large quantity of truck drivers out there and this doesn’t mean that it’s anyone in here (i’d like to hope not) but I’m getting really sick and tired of truckers not giving car transporters with non fixed peak decks (i.e the ones that swing about) enough room to manouvre. This includes taking breaks parked at the top of junctions and boxing us in at services. I dont think a lot of drivers appreciate the difficulty involved in trying to move one of those bloody trailers (especially when it has a biggish car hanging off the front) in confined spaces. I also get really angry when I do get stuck and if I ask a driver to kindly move to let me out they look at me as if I have 2 heads… I’d honestly like in that situation to jump out and ask the other driver to kindly jump in my wagon and see if he can get it out without smashing either something behind or in front…

Sorry about the rant guys but exact thing happened to me today and other driver wouldn’t move which meant my full trailer with 9 cars bouncing about all over the place right up on a kerb almost hitting a railing. Just a bit of consideration is all i’m asking as I’m sure you’ll agree transporter drivers have a hard enough job as it is!!

My thanks for reading!

Its took you 2 years to say somert and to get this off your shoulder?

How have you been coping? besides getting blocked in? :frowning: :confused: :smiley:

Its probably a car transporter thing :stuck_out_tongue:

I have the misfortune to share a parking space with 9 Grayston Automotive trucks. Not one of them can reverse straight and if I come home on a weekend have to struggle to get my car out because they are so inconsiderate.

Tony, i think part of the problem is that many drivers have only started driving since the demise of this type of trailer. There’s not so many of them left in use (yeah, i know you’ll tell me there’s lots… but thast’s because you notice them)
so they are just simply not aware of their existence or the room they require to manoevre.

They would be gob smacked to ride with you for a few hours.

I know why u have to sit at the lights on green waiting to turn left if there’s a double deck bus stopped at the line waiting to exit the road on your left.

The landlord of the King Harry pub in St albans will love you!!

His pub has been wiped out on countless occasions… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got a really big bug bear with a very large quantity of truck drivers out there and this doesn’t mean that it’s anyone in here (i’d like to hope not) but I’m getting really sick and tired of truckers not giving car transporters with non fixed peak decks (i.e the ones that swing about) enough room to manouvre. This includes taking breaks parked at the top of junctions and boxing us in at services. I dont think a lot of drivers appreciate the difficulty involved in trying to move one of those bloody trailers (especially when it has a biggish car hanging off the front) in confined spaces. I also get really angry when I do get stuck and if I ask a driver to kindly move to let me out they look at me as if I have 2 heads… I’d honestly like in that situation to jump out and ask the other driver to kindly jump in my wagon and see if he can get it out without smashing either something behind or in front…

Sorry about the rant guys but exact thing happened to me today and other driver wouldn’t move which meant my full trailer with 9 cars bouncing about all over the place right up on a kerb almost hitting a railing. Just a bit of consideration is all i’m asking as I’m sure you’ll agree transporter drivers have a hard enough job as it is!!

My thanks for reading!

They are banned throughout the rest of Europe because of the overhang hitting things… "

I’ve never drove them as such, but i was a shunter in a Tib and Brits yard and we had three of them, the wag and drag type ones that came in everyweekend to park up. Due to shortage of space we had to ask them to leave across some other trailers and we would ‘move them up’ later on when the yard was full. All i can say is that fully loaded they are frightening. You need about four sets of eyes.

Ossie- The ban will be coming into force here in UK very soon as far as I know, you’ll notice a lot of companies including my own are doing away with the peak decks even on their older trailers they are chopping them off, means you lose 11% of load capacity but companies are looking more on the safety issue

KIller - Thanks for asking, been going great, been with em over 3 years now, got promoted to asst. transport manager a few months ago, meaning i cover for TM when he’s away with all aspects of running our fleet. They’re also paying for my CPC this year and as in charge of driver training getting sent to transporter engineering for training course and also to Mercedes as we’re getting some new mega space actros’s delivered in October (no more shoe box for me) so i’ll be training drivers on them. It still has it’s s**t days like any other job but I really do enjoy it, best move I ever made!!

Don’t suppose there’s any chance of a picture is there Tony? Not sure I know what you are talking about. I thought you meant the artics with the deck hanging over the top of the cab which swings out wide when the unit beneath turns in the opposite direction, but then I saw Mike’s post talking about the wagon and drag ones. :open_mouth: :confused:

Don’t suppose there’s any chance of a picture is there Tony? Not sure I know what you are talking about. I thought you meant the artics with the deck hanging over the top of the cab which swings out wide when the unit beneath turns in the opposite direction, but then I saw Mike’s post talking about the wagon and drag ones. :open_mouth: :confused:

That’s definately what Tony is refering to, its MIke that’s confused things.

The wag n drag ones are the more modern & much more user (& tree!) friendly because they don’t swing out.

They would be gob smacked to ride with you for a few hours.

I’ve just done 3 weeks on one of these. Amazing - the amount of times I had my rs in my mouth was unreal.

I’d never done this type of work before and thoroughly enjoyed it. But you do need eyes in the back of your head.
