No rant this year

Sorry folks,
I know its a tradition but i cant find anything to get that worked up about :blush: :blush:

so some boring stuff for you all instead…
despite the harbingers of doom prophecying the demise of TruckNet UK, the forums never cease to amaze me with how busy they are, in 2010 we broke through the 1.6 million page views a month and average well over 1.5 million, we also broke the concurrent user record with 455 people online at one time

far from dying the forums here continue to grow, and that is down to all those who participate, and the volunteer teams hard work.

What will 2011 bring?

Well there are things in planning, an investment in the whole drivers area on our parent site and not a small investment either. We also acknowledge there have been times this year where the forums have struggled to cope with demand, or have had technical difficulties, this investment should also address those issues. we are going to give the forums a fresher more modern look while retaining the existing forum software that you are used to using.

and we are going to consult you on what you like best while we do it all.

One thing we will NOT be doing, as we have never done is to become a paysite. The investment in your forums is being made simply because RBI see these forums as an integral part of their web product for the road transport industry… so rest assured … its free and will remain free.

Can I on behalf of the TruckNet Forum team, and indeed on behalf of the road transport group at RBI wish each and every one of you, a happy and prosperous new year

Happy New Year to you and yours too fella. :wink:

May this year brings everything you wish for and desire. (Health, Happiness and Prosperity)

Me? i just want Tarmac tipper pics from the 70s! :blush: :grimacing:

Was waiting for the rant now disappointed

You going soft in old age :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: