No Pay for this

Just had a right ding dong with one of the Agencies I work for.

I went into the Transport office at just gone 6pm, put keys, Camera fob and vehicle check sheet book on counter, put card into reader and waited for my timesheet to be signed. This took around around 5/10 mins as there was only one person in the office, and he was on the phone. As it got to 6.10pm, the guy finished his call and came across and took everything off me, and signed my timesheet to 6.15pm.

The agency say as the Digicard was downloaded at just gone 6, that’s all i get paid up till. Apparently, waiting to get the timesheet signed is not classed as work,so it’s not payable, and when I explained that the keys and book hadn’t been taken off me, and i classed that as debrief, i was accused of changing my story.

On their advice, I rang the transport manager, and he’s advised me to start my digicard 15 mins before my start time to cover this incident in future. Be nice if someone explained all this from the agency when they give me the job.

I think it’s fair to say given the heated argument with the agency(no swearing or insults was involved) I won’t be getting anymore work from them.

Finally, why could’t they just take the £4.00 hit to keep their driver happy?

i suggest doing a manual entry with the next tacho you use ie card out at 18.00 next day card in do you want to make a manual entry… yes enter date ( card out time 18.00 ) enter other work until 18.15 … evening break
on bunk start work 06.00 … all done
and get a print out

i do a print out every shift and it has saved a few arguments when able to refer back to them

Next time, download your card AFTER the debrief

You’d be better off saying nothing and making up that lost bit of pay the next day if you know what I mean, you might get delayed unexpectedly somewhere you never know :wink:

pierrot 14:
Next time, download your card AFTER the debrief

I bloody will be doing,don worry :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

There is always more than one way to skin a rabbit…

How does that work if your still on site and not been signed out? As soon as i sign in work I’m on working time and same until I sign out.

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You work for a agency they pay your wages on hours worked and that’s by your time sheet and you had your time sheet signed
Why in the world would you give these people any access to your digital card that is private between you and the company you are driving for

You work for a agency they pay your wages on hours worked and that’s by your time sheet and you had your time sheet signed

This ^^^

If the company signed your time-sheet the agency should pay you, that’s what time-sheets are for.

You work for a agency they pay your wages on hours worked and that’s by your time sheet and you had your time sheet signed
Why in the world would you give these people any access to your digital card that is private between you and the company you are driving for

The client puts the shut off point of the duty as the time the card is downloaded, and they tell the agency that’s where they are paying to.

The agency don’t see any info from my card.

So what exactly is the point of a timesheet then?

But like other have said, there are other ways and means…

Sent via TPN, so it’s either lost, damaged or late…

You should always record all you’re duty time by a manual entry if you finish at 18:00 always show 15 minutes other work you will cover yourself with the DVSA and officially you are still in work as you are handing in paper work completing you’re time sheet downloading the card and so on.

As others have stated if the agency want to skim you’re pay a chat on the pumps or the occasional defect will get the money back, any decent agency will pay you for duty time and not split hairs I always rounded up the agency guys when I was in the office I don’t see the point of penny pinching you want to keep the goodwill of drivers and not ■■■■ them off, plenty of work around drivers don’t need to be dicked about.

It’s hardly worth an argument.Just shrug your shoulders and say OK.How many ways are there of regaining perceived working hours perceived robbed by any agency or employer without making a fuss?

Name and shame…


Sorry, ‘pre warn’ others of agency…

Just how many other are they doing this to without their knowing / realising…?

When I was on agency they sometimes sent me the Christian Salvesen at Evesham. Typical day there would be to take some deliveries out during the day and then a trailer swap at some farm in the boondocks. No digi then of course.

Most of Salvesen’s staff were okay, but there was one miserable git who worked nights in the office. I came in one night at about 1150 after a 14 hour day (most of which sleeping at an RDC somewhere). I expected him to sign me out at midnight but he refused “More’n my job’s worth”.

After that, I made sure to add at least 15 or 30 minutes on every shift. These guys just don’t get the whole swings and roundabouts thing.

Just had a right ding dong with one of the Agencies I work for.

I went into the Transport office at just gone 6pm, put keys, Camera fob and vehicle check sheet book on counter, put card into reader and waited for my timesheet to be signed. This took around around 5/10 mins as there was only one person in the office, and he was on the phone. As it got to 6.10pm, the guy finished his call and came across and took everything off me, and signed my timesheet to 6.15pm.

The agency say as the Digicard was downloaded at just gone 6, that’s all i get paid up till. Apparently, waiting to get the timesheet signed is not classed as work,so it’s not payable, and when I explained that the keys and book hadn’t been taken off me, and i classed that as debrief, i was accused of changing my story.

On their advice, I rang the transport manager, and he’s advised me to start my digicard 15 mins before my start time to cover this incident in future. Be nice if someone explained all this from the agency when they give me the job.

I think it’s fair to say given the heated argument with the agency(no swearing or insults was involved) I won’t be getting anymore work from them.

Finally, why could’t they just take the £4.00 hit to keep their driver happy?

Because they’re ■■■■■. Your timesheet was signed as finishing at 1815 so that is what they will charge the customer. They should then pass that on to you. The fact that they have chosen to steal it from you tells you all you need to know about them.