No off-road charging? No problem

Councils across the country are now offering residents with no off-road charging a solution to their EV charging problems. The Kerbo Charge system has been trialled with much success, It’s about time local authorities pulled their finger out.

'Ang about (in my best Terry McCann accent). A year or more ago I saw a link to either a mini-doco or ad, in the old dart. It was about charging EVs that had no off street access. A company would come out and fit the charging controls inside the front door, run the cabling underground to the property line, where it would resurface into a lockable box. A pair of hi-vis, yellow and black ramps were attached to the footpath, serving two purposes, first to cause no impediment to prams and wheelchairs etc. and secondly to prevent trips whilst protecting the cable.
The cable and plug were safety stowed in the loced box, when not in use.

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