No interview for rubbish job

Right decided to do my licences for my HGV I decided to apply for the role of 7.5 tonne driver at a company called GBA services got a phone call last week from HR Department saying could i come in for a interview said yes and left it to said HR girl to sort out when and where today 1 week later said HR girl rings me to tell me they have interviewed this week and all jobs are now taken and i would be kept on file. Is this how things are in transport this was a crap job with crap pay and from where i,m sitting i would of been treated like crap i did a post and most of replies where dont do it. at 45 years of age and experience of driving such vehicles 7.5 tonne and class 2 test booked and a clean licence i would think a crap company would love to employ someone like me. am i right or wrong in my view or am i right in that this company with there double manning and £50 a day plus £40 night out and bonus money are quite simply a crap firm and properly taken on eastern Europeans tell me what i should be thinking!!!11 :lol:

You’re right in your thinking; it’s very bad.

You want someone to tell you what you should be thinking? Do you doubt it’s bad then? £50 a day (I presume less than 8 hours a day to keep it within minimum wage :unamused: ), a lot of things like mortgage/ loans applications, holiday pay based on 13k pa at 50 a day. You can’t bank on bonuses, inflated subsistence for 4 nights or anything else.

If it’s “crap” enough,they’ll take the first number of bods through the door that they’ve managed to palm off all the dodgy terms and conditions on.
Like having to pay for your uniform, you are liable for damage to vehicle & load, you get paid minimum wage via umbrella @ £35 “fee” a week, and there’s no overtime, just a 56 hour week with every second saturday off.

‘Mugshots’ are not just photos taken at police stations.

Freight Dog:
You’re right in your thinking; it’s very bad.

You want someone to tell you what you should be thinking? Do you doubt it’s bad then? £50 a day (I presume less than 8 hours a day to keep it within minimum wage :unamused: ), a lot of things like mortgage/ loans applications, holiday pay based on 13k pa at 50 a day. You can’t bank on bonuses, inflated subsistence for 4 nights or anything else.

From what i have been told on here about so called company they will used a class 2 driver and get them to drive 7.5 and vans most of the work is Europe so a 18 hour shifts or quite simply if in a sprinter van drive until drop done no tacho so would get £90 if you drove for 18 hours plus like i said crap job but would of done it to get by until licences acquired

If it’s “crap” enough,they’ll take the first number of bods through the door that they’ve managed to palm off all the dodgy terms and conditions on.
Like having to pay for your uniform, you are liable for damage to vehicle & load, you get paid minimum wage via umbrella @ £35 “fee” a week, and there’s no overtime, just a 56 hour week with every second saturday off.

‘Mugshots’ are not just photos taken at police stations.

i,m going to spend a few bob doing these licences are there alot of these companies out there that work the way you state if so how do you avoid working for them :laughing:

are there alot of these companies out there that work the way you state if so how do you avoid working for them :laughing:

It’s quite simple really. :unamused:

Right decided to do my licences for my HGV I decided to apply for the role of 7.5 tonne driver at a company called GBA services got a phone call last week from HR Department saying could i come in for a interview said yes and left it to said HR girl to sort out when and where today 1 week later said HR girl rings me to tell me they have interviewed this week and all jobs are now taken and i would be kept on file. Is this how things are in transport this was a crap job with crap pay and from where i,m sitting i would of been treated like crap i did a post and most of replies where dont do it. at 45 years of age and experience of driving such vehicles 7.5 tonne and class 2 test booked and a clean licence i would think a crap company would love to employ someone like me. am i right or wrong in my view or am i right in that this company with there double manning and £50 a day plus £40 night out and bonus money are quite simply a crap firm and properly taken on eastern Europeans tell me what i should be thinking!!!11 :laughing:

My writing isn’t that good but at 45 you need to show a bit better on the understanding of grammar and all the other silly little things in spelling like when to use ’ and not ,
Then spacing …

sounds like just a firm that wants bums on seats to be honest … odds on you’ll get a call within a month.

From where I am sitting, they made the right call and I have only read one of your posts.

From where I am sitting, they made the right call and I have only read one of your posts.

:grimacing: thanks for that


From where I am sitting, they made the right call and I have only read one of your posts.

:grimacing: thanks for that

You do come across as a bit daft, to be fair. :laughing:



From where I am sitting, they made the right call and I have only read one of your posts.

:grimacing: thanks for that

You do come across as a bit daft, to be fair. :laughing:

not sure how some one can make a statement like that without meeting that person they are saying is a bit daft :unamused:




From where I am sitting, they made the right call and I have only read one of your posts.

:grimacing: thanks for that

You do come across as a bit daft, to be fair. :laughing:

not sure how some one can make a statement like that without meeting that person they are saying is a bit daft :unamused:

It’s quite simple really. :unamused:

To the o/p. If I am understanding it right, you are applying for a 7.5 tonne job, but have a class two test planned. Do you not perhaps think that you give the impression you just plan doing it till you have your class two license, then will move on?

Sadly no employer is obliged to interview you, or offer you a job. None of us should have those expectations. If they do they do, if they don’t they don’t. Karma… :bulb:

To the o/p. If I am understanding it right, you are applying for a 7.5 tonne job, but have a class two test planned. Do you not perhaps think that you give the impression you just plan doing it till you have your class two license, then will move on?

Sadly no employer is obliged to interview you, or offer you a job. None of us should have those expectations. If they do they do, if they don’t they don’t. Karma… :idea:

what i was saying was she told me she wanted to interview me and would sort a time and a date then today says jobs all taken if i have ever been offered a interview the company have interviewed me not told me they had filled the positions. I guess what i,m saying is you don,t say one thing then do some thing else

You seem caught up in this job still. If work is scarce in your area then who are we to tell you what to do if it’s all you can get? However. If there is a choice, then close the book on this; stop thinking it over. Do your research on rates of pay - for your class of licence - in your area and come up with a rate that YOU deem acceptable using a wise head and some self value.

Freight Dog:
using a wise head

this may be the problem :smiley:

what i was saying was she told me she wanted to interview me and would sort a time and a date then today says jobs all taken if i have ever been offered a interview the company have interviewed me not told me they had filled the positions. I guess what i,m saying is you don,t say one thing then do some thing else

Do you talk like that in real life? If so I think we’ve found the problem.

Part of my job nowadays includes employing new staff, its a time consuming process and if I’m looking for staff its because i need them this instance and I’m certainly not going to hold out if theres someone that seems up to the job ready and waiting to start. As regards to the comment about taking the, “first bods” on, you just can’t tell if someone is up to the job until you start them.

Part of my job nowadays includes employing new staff, its a time consuming process and if I’m looking for staff its because i need them this instance and I’m certainly not going to hold out if theres someone that seems up to the job ready and waiting to start. As regards to the comment about taking the, “first bods” on, you just can’t tell if someone is up to the job until you start them.

i agree with you and have done driving jobs in the past for about 15 years i waited for HR to tell me a time and a date after they said they wanted a interview me i could of attended a interview on the day they called me. So why wait a week and tell me they had filled the jobs

Not getting interviews,jobs etc is all part of the jobhunting process!

Maybe GBA had more applications than jobs and you were just unlucky this time! You sometimes have to be at the right place at the right time! HTH