No drivers allowed

I had similar at one of the homebase stores in kent,the manager was not happy when I said ok fella not a problem I will just pxxs in your yard, ok[I didn’t but the look on his face was a picture lol]

you class 2 rigfd drivers with the sat navs and automatic boxes can try to blow your own trumpet all you wish, but the fact is you guys run around in luxary compared to how it used to be, these rdc places that have sprung up have made life a hell of a lot easier, in our day with had to deliever to customors in all sorts of old tight factory’s that were never designed for 44 foot trailers. or off to deliver in town centres or city centres, you never knew were you would be one day from the next, but one thing you learned on the job was how to get around, you had to have a good memory and pay attention to what you was doing and more importantly where your going

i have seen the look of fear in the modern drivers eyes if they have to go anywhere without a sat nav to take them there

hence i think there mummy boys as there scared of the job. when i was first driving on my own i was scared of the job, scared of getting lost, scared of not finding the places, scared of the gear box, scared of reversing in tight spots, would get laughed at by all the other drivers etc

but the one thing that happened to me was i learned and i got experience. i only wish there was the toys that are around now back when i first started as it would be been a peace of ■■■■ hence i make the point todays drivers are a bunch of mummys boys who have so much of an easy job

infact i guess they should be pain miminum wage as there is nothing to the job anymore any fool can do it. if they can drive a dogem car on the fair ground they can drive there dinky toys

just put the foot down on the accelerator and away you go and have a say nav to point you in the right direction, there is nothing to do other than steer and any fool can do that

but at least the new guys have a nice cpc card that tells everyone how well trained they are lol

you class 2 rigfd drivers with the sat navs and automatic boxes can try to blow your own trumpet all you wish, but the fact is you guys run around in luxary compared to how it used to be, these rdc places that have sprung up have made life a hell of a lot easier, in our day with had to deliever to customors in all sorts of old tight factory’s that were never designed for 44 foot trailers. or off to deliver in town centres or city centres, you never knew were you would be one day from the next, but one thing you learned on the job was how to get around, you had to have a good memory and pay attention to what you was doing and more importantly where your going

i have seen the look of fear in the modern drivers eyes if they have to go anywhere without a sat nav to take them there

hence i think there mummy boys as there scared of the job. when i was first driving on my own i was scared of the job, scared of getting lost, scared of not finding the places, scared of the gear box, scared of reversing in tight spots, would get laughed at by all the other drivers etc

but the one thing that happened to me was i learned and i got experience. i only wish there was the toys that are around now back when i first started as it would be been a peace of ■■■■ hence i make the point todays drivers are a bunch of mummys boys who have so much of an easy job

infact i guess they should be pain miminum wage as there is nothing to the job anymore any fool can do it. if they can drive a dogem car on the fair ground they can drive there dinky toys

just put the foot down on the accelerator and away you go and have a say nav to point you in the right direction, there is nothing to do other than steer and any fool can do that

but at least the new guys have a nice cpc card that tells everyone how well trained they are lol

Are you a campaigner for the Green party by any chance Tg trucker?. If not, you should be, especially with an answer like that. You would do a fantastic job!

I’m not a campaigner for anything sweetie, and as it happens, I hate the green party with a passion. They would stop me doing too many things I enjoy.
But I fail to see why you would make such an assumption just because I get fed up seeing the mess left behind by truck drivers where ever they park.
I’m not out to save the planet, if it lasts only another 30 years that’s good enough for me, but I don’t see why I should have to put up having to park amongst all the crap left behind by others, and why I should be excluded from using facilities because those that have gone before me have mistreated or wrecked them.

the problem is there are to many mummy boys driving trucks around these days. would you believe they look down there noses on drivers who might have to take a dump in the cabs or worse they go into transport offices snitching on drivers who smoke in the cabs, along with many other things they think is there business to inform the transport managers about when it comes to there work mates driving.

that tg post up there ^ reminds me of the type of driver i am on about, snitches on anyone and everything trying to look like a goody 2 boots.

You know what they say about making assumptions, something to do with making an ■■■ of yourself!

You know nothing of me.

I’ve never snitched on anyone in my life, I smoke in my cab, and I’ve had a dump in the woods just the same as the next man or woman on this job. I get on with my job and let others do the snitching, and believe me, I’ve had a lot of that directed my way over the years, but I just let it pass me by as the only two people who have any legitimate right to comment on how I do my job are my boss, and me. I’m certainly happy with the way I do it, and he stills pays me every month, so I reckon he must be too.
The only time I’ve ever discussed the actions of other drivers with my employer was when I was the subject of a sustained attack on my reputation by a colleague who had taken against me because I didn’t agree with his views. Because the amount of crap I heard about me got to a silly level I went and asked my employer if he’d heard it all, and if he believed any of it. His answer; yes he’d heard it all, he was well aware of where it was all starting from, and that I should take as much notice of it as he was, none.

Oh and btw, you’re right about one thing, I do look good in boots:) and yes I usually do wear 2:)

I bought a ‘truckers’ SatNav off Fleabay last year, but have only used it on trips out with my caravan. Never owned a SatNav before that. I can enter the vehicle dimensions, length width height etc. so not sure why drivers come to grief with them? Obviously if you batting along and a sign says low bridge ahead, you read its height and stop if you too big to get under it. I don’t distrust the Satnav, but I use my eyes and common sense too. :open_mouth: If I was taking a truck out, I’d still take a map as well, as many drivers would be totally stuffed if the SatNav malfunctioned.

I pulled into a layby used by overnight truckers a few weeks ago (in the daytime). Nice location overlooking a reservoir. As well as the usual rubbish, there was also a plastic bottle filled with what looked like urine thrown over the wall, as well as the signs of an ashtray being emptied. Yep I know car drivers leave rubbish too, but laybys used by overnight truckers are frequently left in a worse state that a traveller’s site. Folks then wonder why people paying rent on industrial estates, have the audacity to try to stop truckers turning their location into a similar craphole. What a wonderful greeting is that for their own customers eh? Yep I used to park overnight at industrial estates and yep I peed up the wheels, but I didn’t leave other mess for someone else to have to pick up.

i only wish there was the toys that are around now back when i first started as it would be been a peace of ■■■■ hence i make the point todays drivers are a bunch of mummys boys who have so much of an easy job

Your just bitter then, you would have loved a sat nav but had to use maps, now drivers have sat navs they are mummy’s boys.

No mate. He wants your undying adulation and worship, because he had to manage without one.

Send your plastic medals and a letter of thanks to:

DesperateForSomeLovePete B.A.nonCPC
Hero Worship Lane

…reminds me of the type of driver i am on about, snitches on anyone and everything trying to look like a goody 2 boots.

Drivers ‘snitching’ and getting there workmates in bother is not a new thing, it’s just the rose tinted glasses that make it seem so.

I remember reading a joke in one of the truck magazines getting on for 40 years ago that went something like this.

A policeman knocks on the door of a house and tells the woman who answers that her lorry driver husband has been found stabbed to death. The woman breaks down and through her tears she ask the officer a question.
“Where was he stabbed, was it in the back?”
“No ma’am” replies the copper, “the fatal blow was in the chest.”
“Oh, it wasn’t one of his workmates then,” she sobbed.

Jokes are usually based on facts.

Drivers ‘snitching’ and getting there workmates in bother is not a new thing, it’s just the rose tinted glasses that make it seem so.

Oh I hear that… :cry: Some of them used to have their heads so far through the office window, we used to have to hold onto their feet to stop them falling through the hatch. :imp: Mechanics would only have to hint at the purchase on a new truck and they’d all be vying for a place at that window and letting it all out… so and so has done this, so and so has done that…

For me I was happy to drive one of the older vehicles and keep my dignity… As I’ve always said - “I’d rather work with a ■■■■■■■■■ than a bosses man”… at least you know what those are going to do, so you can keep your kids away from them… but a bosses man is an even lower form of pond life.


i only wish there was the toys that are around now back when i first started as it would be been a peace of ■■■■ hence i make the point todays drivers are a bunch of mummys boys who have so much of an easy job

Your just bitter then, you would have loved a sat nav but had to use maps, now drivers have sat navs they are mummy’s boys.

what makes you think i am bitter ?

i am amazed at what the standards are these days in driving, i dont know how they pass a test in an automatic box ? how do they do the gear changing exercise ?

when you passed your test years ago, it was only then did you ever start to learn the art of driving, my old boss used to put a glass of water 3/4 full on the dash. we had to not spill a drop and drive around a selected route using gears and speed as our weapons to slow down as the brakes were not abs back then and if you used them you would send everything and everyone head first into the windscreen if you wasnt used to the long delay there would be before the brakes would kick in

driving loads was an art form, you had to feel the weight which would tell you how fast you could go etc

today’s drivers just turn the switch, foot down and away they go speeding all around with no idea how there load is going to behave en route.

the one thing about us dinosaurs is we knew how to drive and drive safe with a load. the new kit around are an improvement on condtions but not an improvement on driving standards

i guess the truth is drivers could not pass the test in manuals so they had to make it easy for them

i only wish there was the toys that are around now back when i first started
> desypete:
> what makes you think i am bitter ?
You admit you wish you’d had these gadgets.yet slag off todays drivers for having the sheer audacity to use them themselves? Pot,kettle? Not seen such dumbfounded,shake-your-head posting since Dozy blamed that dotcom van
> desypete:
> i dont know how they pass a test in an automatic box ? how do they do the gear changing exercise ?
They dont. Are you sure you know what an automatic box is?
Although I do think passing in an automatic should mean your only allowed to drive automatics
> desypete:
> you had to feel the weight which would tell you how fast you could go etc
Er im pretty sure thats still the case. And im sure plenty of old school experts also miscalculated or where in too much of a rush and had accidents too
> desypete:
> the one thing about us dinosaurs is we knew how to drive and drive safe with a load. the new kit around are an improvement on condtions but not an improvement on driving standards
I wasnt aware HGV accidents due to idiots behind the wheel didnt occur at all until 10 years ago. I also didnt know you were all faultless and flawless back in the “good old days” :unamused:
> desypete:
> i guess the truth is drivers could not pass the test in manuals so they had to make it easy for them
Bollox. Plenty drivers still pass in manuals. The growth of auto training is due to manual trucks being phased out. I dont agree with it,I HATE automatics,but thats why you can pass in autos.
Do you think a closer truth might be that you a bitter,angry guy who really should stop whinging,moaning and complaining about every little thing to do with “todays drivers”? Honestly,every ■■■■■■■ post from you is picking fault about driving standards as if you are some kind of faultless,blameless,perfect expert who never ever made a mistake. Its pretty galling to be lectured to,and insulted by, someone who had so little faith in his own ability that he didnt take a CPC course for fear of failing it.
Everyone makes mistakes. EVERYONE. Including you (when you actually drove that is) so put a sock in it and at least TRY to post some cheery stuff once in a while.


i only wish there was the toys that are around now back when i first started
> desypete:
> what makes you think i am bitter ?
You admit you wish you’d had these gadgets.yet slag off todays drivers for having the sheer audacity to use them themselves? Pot,kettle? Not seen such dumbfounded,shake-your-head posting since Dozy blamed that dotcom van
> desypete:
> i dont know how they pass a test in an automatic box ? how do they do the gear changing exercise ?
They dont. Are you sure you know what an automatic box is?
Although I do think passing in an automatic should mean your only allowed to drive automatics
> desypete:
> you had to feel the weight which would tell you how fast you could go etc
Er im pretty sure thats still the case. And im sure plenty of old school experts also miscalculated or where in too much of a rush and had accidents too
> desypete:
> the one thing about us dinosaurs is we knew how to drive and drive safe with a load. the new kit around are an improvement on condtions but not an improvement on driving standards
I wasnt aware HGV accidents due to idiots behind the wheel didnt occur at all until 10 years ago. I also didnt know you were all faultless and flawless back in the “good old days” :unamused:
> desypete:
> i guess the truth is drivers could not pass the test in manuals so they had to make it easy for them
Bollox. Plenty drivers still pass in manuals. The growth of auto training is due to manual trucks being phased out. I dont agree with it,I HATE automatics,but thats why you can pass in autos.
Do you think a closer truth might be that you a bitter,angry guy who really should stop whinging,moaning and complaining about every little thing to do with “todays drivers”? Honestly,every [zb] post from you is picking fault about driving standards as if you are some kind of faultless,blameless,perfect expert who never ever made a mistake. Its pretty galling to be lectured to,and insulted by, someone who had so little faith in his own ability that he didnt take a CPC course for fear of failing it.
Everyone makes mistakes. EVERYONE. Including you (when you actually drove that is) so put a sock in it and at least TRY to post some cheery stuff once in a while.
if i want to put socks in anyone’s mouth i would start with your mouth first.
dont tell me your a rigid driver or maybe a 7.5 t driver ?

if i want to put socks in anyone’s mouth i would start with your mouth first.

dont tell me your a rigid driver or maybe a 7.5 t driver ?

Nope,C+E. And I passed in a manual. And ive never had an accident. Or lost a load. Or had a pull for insecure load. Or been done for speeding. Or dangerous driving.
And you dont need a sock for my mouth. Im not a constant whinger with “back in our day” moans


if i want to put socks in anyone’s mouth i would start with your mouth first.

dont tell me your a rigid driver or maybe a 7.5 t driver ?

Nope,C+E. And I passed in a manual. And ive never had an accident. Or lost a load. Or had a pull for insecure load. Or been done for speeding. Or dangerous driving.
And you dont need a sock for my mouth. Im not a constant whinger with “back in our day” moans

so your just a whinger about whingers then ?

i guess you will be telling me next that you have a cpc card

so your just a whinger about whingers then ?

Er no. Theres a difference between whinging and getting annoyed at someone elses whinging. And I didnt say never do it,I said stop being ALL you do
Im not getting into a ■■■ for tat with you. Youve obviously got nothing better to do because of your CPC stance (which I personally think contributes to your obvious anger) so im nipping this in the bud right now. You’ll still type up post after post about driving standards,anti cpc,wages,the young 'uns and all manner of other mince in posts devoid of full stops,commas and grammer so ill leave you to it. Quite frankly I should have realised how this would go before my original post to you and just not bothered. Some people will never change


so your just a whinger about whingers then ?

Er no. Theres a difference between whinging and getting annoyed at someone elses whinging. And I didnt say never do it,I said stop being ALL you do
Im not getting into a ■■■ for tat with you. Youve obviously got nothing better to do because of your CPC stance (which I personally think contributes to your obvious anger) so im nipping this in the bud right now. You’ll still type up post after post about driving standards,anti cpc,wages,the young 'uns and all manner of other mince in posts devoid of full stops,commas and grammer so ill leave you to it. Quite frankly I should have realised how this would go before my original post to you and just not bothered. Some people will never change

if you go around telling someone to put a sock in it then give your own expert opinion on them then what on earth makes you seem to think there going to thank you for it ?

my grammar skills are what they are, my posts are what they are I didn’t know you police the boards for grammar and content
if you have that much time on your hands to monitor and remember people and there posts i worry what it is you actually do all day ?

i come on from time to time i dont remember your name or posts you have made the only names i can remember on here are billy hunt and carryfast and the only thing i know about billy hunt is we argue like hell over politics

the point is i dont montior or remember anyone from the site or what the post about, you must have a list of whos who and what they say or thats how it looks reading your last post,

if you go around telling someone to put a sock in it then give your own expert opinion on them then what on earth makes you seem to think there going to thank you for it ?

my grammar skills are what they are, my posts are what they are I didn’t know you police the boards for grammar and content
if you have that much time on your hands to monitor and remember people and there posts i worry what it is you actually do all day ?

i come on from time to time i dont remember your name or posts you have made the only names i can remember on here are billy hunt and carryfast and the only thing i know about billy hunt is we argue like hell over politics

the point is i dont montior or remember anyone from the site or what the post about, you must have a list of whos who and what they say or thats how it looks reading your last post,


Re; Sock in the mouth.

If you ever try the wifes ’ Home made ’ Lasagne,you would choose the sock every time.

Totally agree own worst enemy springs to mind for the majority not all !

Privately run ind estates don’t want trucks parking up because of the mess that’s left behind.
A lot of councils are doing the same now, and can you blame them? if they were to do their jobs properly they’d spend a small fortune clearing up after the drivers have used the parking area as a toilet and large open rubbish bin.

I’m sorry but drivers only have themselves to blame for this situation.
I’ve been to many places where they’ve had to ban drivers from using the facilities purely on the basis of how much it was costing them to repair and clean them. It’s obviously very frustrating when this happens, but I can see their point of view.

The reality is that no one wants the job of clearing up after trucks have parked somewhere. So they make it someone else’s problem by banning parking.

The general attitude from today’s drivers, in both driving standards and care towards their environment have resulted in us being seen and treated as second class citizens. It’s not good for those of us that still care about doing the job properly, drive with care and consideration, leave facilities as we found them, and put rubbish in bins rather than just out the window, but that’s the way it is.
And I don’t blame the influx of foreign trucks as being the main problem, I’ve seen just as many UK drivers act in this way.
The answer is simple, get out of driving and see your social and work status instantly rise to that of everybody who isn’t a truck driver.