No disrespect to

They don’t call you the critic for nothing do they■■?

Seriously though Willy stepped into the breach when we really needed some help and for that we are all very gratefull.

Willy’s chatroom was offered at no charge to any user for as long as we needed it.

At some time in the future there may well be a TruckNetUK chatroom of our own.

We have all just slaved away, spending many countless hours on providing you all with a newer better set of forums,and Rikki has spent loads of money to get this far.

So why not give us a break here!!!

These forums are but three days old and believe it not we are still trying to get our heads around it all.


What a shame a site admin thinks that some who want to help, with sugestions are taking the[urine ] well for what is was worth it was only sugested to help in making this site a little bit better! which is what this posting area is for! IS IT NOT?
Sorry I was born!

No one is extracting anything

I was pointing out that at the moment we are trying to get everything sorted out with the new board first and when we get time we will look at sorting out the chatroom.

NO offense was meant and I hope none was taken


willy gofar
but with the New forums isnt it about time we had a new chat room directly linked with uesrname automatic?

I know lots of people have had problems logging into willy’s chat room so wont try anymore maybe its about time we had a new one!

They don’t call you the critic for nothing do they■■?

Seriously though Willy stepped into the breach when we really needed some help and for that we are all very gratefull.

Willy’s chatroom was offered at no charge to any user for as long as we needed it.

At some time in the future there may well be a TruckNetUK chatroom of our own.

We have all just slaved away, spending many countless hours on providing you all with a newer better set of forums,and Rikki has spent loads of money to get this far.

So why not give us a break here!!!

These forums are but three days old and believe it not we are still trying to get our heads around it all.
