… but at the time it seemed like I was proving my innocence and trying to stop it stressing me any further.This is British law and the onus is on them to prove your guilt. There is absolutely no burden on you to prove your innocence, if it gets to court you can if you wish produce stuff to support your case but even then it is down to them to prove guilt, not for you to prove innocence. I know what you were trying to do and it seems like the best way to be helpful and supply evidence to help clear it up but really in this situation the best thing to do is STFU, it’s always worked for me in this sort of situation. By supplying them with things you could even inadvertently help them make their case.
Playing devils advocate for a minute, you mention chart, so you weren’t on a digi, and the problem is you have absolutely no proof the tacho time was correct. You have a chart that shows you stationary at 15:00 but there is nothing to say it was actually 15:00 at the time. If they do decide to go ahead with this then something else to support the chart would be helpful, did the person you were delivering to sign the delivery notes with the time for instance? Again in itself that wouldn’t be total proof but when you start adding the things together, statement from driver’s mate, chart, notes, it supports your case.
I see what you are saying and yes in their shoes I would probably come up with the same argument. (Yes it was analogue).
Right now I am just hoping that sense prevails and they don’t use it against me.
As far as I remember the notes only ask for date and not time.