Nightshift repressing bowel movements

or… I cannot seem to go, during the week. :blush:

I realise this may be open to a fair amount of taking of the michael, so have at you, do your worst. :laughing:

However, i’m asking, as I have a genuine problem and thought I might hazard an enquiry here to see if others have found similar.

I’ve been doing a night trunk for the past 6 weeks or so, and i’m quite happy with the 11 hour turns, and the relative lack of stress. Compared to working the day, running around like an idiot, and getting hassled on the phone. The night pays more as well.

I am not particularly regular, once every other day usually (I sometimes wonder if this is the subconscious avoiding the problem, thanks to the way the rest of you leave the facilities), but the nightshift has seen that I cannot go at all whilst on it. It hasn’t got painful, just simply nothing doing for 5-6 days. Do get a bloated feeling towards the weekend and the only way I can relieve it thus far is the use of suppositories, which is fine for a one off, but apparently is bad news to become dependant upon them.

Yes of course, there is the GP, but I thought I might enquire here first before wasting his time.

Cheers for any advice.

Hi wildgoose any thing like that you should go to get it checked out, you will say it will be ok no need to go loose money and time off work, i had not the same thing but bowel problems ended up with bowel cancer got it early on my 8th year of extra life now. IT takes no time to get checked out could be something easy to fix all the best bob.

Don’t ■■■■ about with this. It needs sorting. Get your bunged up ring to the quacks…Sharpish!

When it comes to oblutions, I’m like the Martini girl, anytime, any place, anywhere.

Hell man, get your arse to the docs, to get it checked out pronto.

I would imagine it’ll be like the Mohne Dam being breached when you go. (“I’d give that 20 mins before you go in there driver”.)


Any change in bowel habits should be investigated. Until you see the quack you could try some things that might help. Raise your fluid intake. Take a 1.5 litre bottle of water to work and make sure you drink all of it. Take fruit to work. Every day I have at least 5 pieces of fruit. Increase your dietary fibre. Wholemeal bread, porridge, fruit and fibre, lentil soup, baked beans etc. Take more exercise! A good brisk walk of 30-60 mins each day. The exercise bit cannot be under estimated.
You’ve changed jobs and very likely some of your habits too and your system is now struggling to cope. You were expecting jokes but this isn’t funny. It’s potentially very serious. Go and see your doc. He will most likely tell you all of the above and with any luck that will be all you need to sort yourself out. The biggest problem with many driving jobs is the lack of physical activity and eating crap. Stay healthy mate!

44 Tonne Ton:
Any change in bowel habits should be investigated. Until you see the quack you could try some things that might help. Raise your fluid intake. Take a 1.5 litre bottle of water to work and make sure you drink all of it. Take fruit to work. Every day I have at least 5 pieces of fruit. Increase your dietary fibre. Wholemeal bread, porridge, fruit and fibre, lentil soup, baked beans etc. Take more exercise! A good brisk walk of 30-60 mins each day. The exercise bit cannot be under estimated.
You’ve changed jobs and very likely some of your habits too and your system is now struggling to cope. You were expecting jokes but this isn’t funny. It’s potentially very serious. Go and see your doc. He will most likely tell you all of the above and with any luck that will be all you need to sort yourself out. The biggest problem with many driving jobs is the lack of physical activity and eating crap. Stay healthy mate!


(and i did mean to shout)

Blimey, not taking a dump for a week would be stressful i’d say. You might be better off taking one of those movement pills before you go to sleep you see advertised on the telly rather than a suppository. If I was taking suppository’s for something, i’d be down the docs asap…

Once every other day is normal?!!! Jeeez, I’d best get myself to the quacks as well, I struggle to get past breakfast before needing “a bit of me time”

Once every other day is normal?!!! Jeeez, I’d best get myself to the quacks as well, I struggle to get past breakfast before needing “a bit of me time”

If you go just once a day then I think you’re fine mate. I have to go half hour after waking and I don’t go to work until I’ve been! I think OP has maybe upset his routine and body routine, nothing that a bit of fibre, prunes - whatever can’t sort

Doctors now will give advice over the phone quite willingly,saves surgery time.You’re sitting all shift–pressure on colon-bungs you up.The danger if you get constipated is you may suffer bowel “overflow” the waste will pass the obstruction and exit your body with you not being aware of it,norm,ally when you are asleep.Embarrassing and very messy.Try a mild laxative like movicoll or molaxole but above all contact the doctor.(Seven years in a wheelchair makes me an expert!!!)

Get yourself :

Big 1kg bag of seedless grapes
2 ltr carton of fresh orange juice

If you’re not pebbledashing the khazi within 3 hours of consuming those then you defo need to get yourself off to the quack. :grimacing:

I thought it was a woman thing, when the expression “spend a penny” is used. I am sure they hang on to it to make it worthwhile going.

I am sure Robs cure all will cure that but if you are not a health freak, just open a tin of plum tomatoes and have it on toast.

It may save you getting cancer too, although ketchup is supposed to be better for that

Stay healthily hydrated …which does not necessarily mean shed-loads of coffee, caffeinated or sugar laden nonsense but often just plain (hot, cooled or ambient) water works very well.

Drink it by the pint, not poncy sips.

Putting it bluntly, I’m told that jobbies need lubing.

I get up every day…Soon as I’m stood, straight to the khazi. Break the seal, then have to go again 20 mins later. Been that way for years. Apparently, you should go after every meal in an ideal world.

I find apple juice,a banana and 2 apples eaten thru my night shift keep everything moving. If I dont then things are not so regular. Nothing beats fresh fruit and water. Drinking coffee (some have hydrogenated fat in) from the vending machines is a big culprit, it also causes heartburn.

About 15 years ago I was travelling down the west coast of France with a small group of drivers. We stopped near La Rochelle for the night and had a meal and a few beers. Talk got round to the subject of bowel movements and in particular what do you do if you want to go and there is nowhere to go. One chap had his good lady with him and she announced to the gathering that “it isn’t a problem for her as she could go as much as a month without a dump”…After a stunned silence of a few seconds, one driver from Newport with the nickname of smasher, announced “next time you go for a dump love you had better send me a postcard”. Why? said the young lady, " so I can make sure I’m in a different country", came the reply!!!
I laughed for hours. True story too.
On a serious note though, your body clock is confused because of the change of routine. Try and not to let it stress you out because this will make things worse. I do a lot of early starts (between midnight and 04.00) and my routine goes sideways too when I’m sleeping when I should be pooping etc. Hopefully you will settle down to a new routine soon.

Just go and spend 30 minutes or so reading Carryfast’s posts, that’ll have you [zb]ing your self in no time at all.

Just go and spend 30 minutes or so reading Carryfast’s posts, that’ll have you [zb]ing your self in no time at all.

I believe the problem is bowel related, not insomnia related. :wink:

Rob K:

Just go and spend 30 minutes or so reading Carryfast’s posts, that’ll have you [zb]ing your self in no time at all.

I believe the problem is bowel related, not insomnia related. :wink:

I was working on the assumption viewing verbal diarrhoea would bring on regular diarrhoea. :wink:

You haven’t gone BANG have ya Goosey?