
Hi guys got a job opportunity working nights straight trunks dead straight forward starting at 12 midnight til 11 am ish Sunday to Thursday nights no weekends,anybody any advice on working nights,best ways to adjust,and advice welcome :sunglasses:

Be carefull as most jobs descibed as ‘straight trunks’ usually stay that way for a week or two then its "can you tip it at A and run to B then swap and home. Then you go a bit further and within weeks its a totally different job…same money, of course. If it is as you say then its either a bloody long trunk or a long wait to tip/load. The company will obviously want their pound of flesh somewhere.
Nights have some pluses like less traffic but you get worse weather at night, its harder to stay awake and it messes with your natural rythm. My advice, get a CB and make some friends to chat with and keep you awake. Take a break the instant you feel drowsy and dont pick up hitchers as they are either weird, on drugs or running from the law.

And expect at least 1 road closure a week :frowning: they are currently the bain in most night trunkers life

And expect at least 1 road closure a week :frowning: they are currently the bain in most night trunkers life


And if the A1 south is shut… you can bet the M1 south is shut somewhere nearby… :unamused:

I’ve done a few straight trunks that have been really easy. But they usually have a catch somewhere. The one trailer swap a night can quickly expand to a hell of a lot more. Generally, I’d make sure it’s hourly pay, with decent overtime rate. If it’s a flat rate, they’ll take the ■■■■. You can guarantee it! :sunglasses:

Buggar those hrs…by the time u get home, sleep, eat etc, doubt you’d get much of a life. I used to start at 9pm, never got away on time and normally wouldn’t be home till 6:30/7am…just when the Mrs was getting up for work! In bed for 9ish, spend an hour or so fidgeting around the bed trying to settle and then getting up at 3 at the latest so that I had some sort of day. Now since finishing that one and starting my new one, I start at 7 (ish), leave around 7:45/8pm and if I have half hour on the way back, I’m done for 1am…home, chill out for an hour, bed, up at 10… Life is good for the time being…till it changes!!

Agreed. make sure you are paid hourly not day or week rate. Will you be on the same truck shared with a day man or get whatever crap happens to be in the yard?

Any shift where you start in the middle of the night and finish in the middle of the day has to be by far the worst ever to the point that it should be outlawed. It’s doable getting home 5-6am as you stand a chance of getting to sleep before all the racket of people going to work kicks off but no later than that. Even though I’d done years on nights I got a job where I arrived home 4-5am during the week but at 8am on a Saturday and I couldn’t get to sleep that day.

Bet they have plenty of jobs going.

Bloody hell lads your full of the joys lol they’re brand new MAN and trailers shared with a day driver,no weekends hourly paid 9.25 per hr first 50 10.25 after that, 28 days holiday, thought it sounded good to me,
Sleep on the day my street is quiet full of elderly couples awake for 6 when the wife finishes work then tea together bit of telly and off I trot

dirty hands:
Bloody hell lads your full of the joys lol they’re brand new MAN and trailers shared with a day driver,no weekends hourly paid 9.25 per hr first 50 10.25 after that, 28 days holiday, thought it sounded good to me,
Sleep on the day my street is quiet full of elderly couples awake for 6 when the wife finishes work then tea together bit of telly and off I trot

If it suits your circumstances and life style,fill your boots.

make sure that your bedroom has blackout curtains/ blinds otherwise you will never get to sleep during the summer months.
depending on kids playing out, traffic noise etc you may need earplugs
unplug the phone to prevent cold callers
be prepared to feel like the walking dead for a long time

dirty hands:
Bloody hell lads your full of the joys lol they’re brand new MAN and trailers shared with a day driver,no weekends hourly paid 9.25 per hr first 50 10.25 after that, 28 days holiday, thought it sounded good to me,
Sleep on the day my street is quiet full of elderly couples awake for 6 when the wife finishes work then tea together bit of telly and off I trot

9.25 for the first 50 hrs :open_mouth: so that’s £462.50 gross before you can make any extra. that’s if they don’t stop you 45 min for 1 break… that’ll be a take home of about £346 i’ll stay in bed I think

just to add a new truck :unamused: and trailer :unamused: :unamused: rather have the money than new kit just to look good.

Good luck

Lol lads you’ve all been doing it so long it’s sucked all the life out of you,there’s another shift option that starts at midday til 11 pm at night but didn’t fancy that cuz won’t see the wife in the evenings,
The job involves a long tip/reload as it’s only running to Bristol/heathrow from stoke so could always have a kip on the bunk for a couple

dirty hands:
Lol lads you’ve all been doing it so long it’s sucked all the life out of you,

could be right there fella i’m maxing out on 9hrs a night that’s more than enough for me :wink:

I’ve only ever done nights, and am currently on a 4pm - 3:30am shift (2 trunks). As a rule you’ll almost never go over 12 hours, and will almost certainly be home every day. It’s the quiet roads that make it worth it, and if you spend a few minutes each day researching road closures and keep an eye out for advance signs, you can work it so that you never come upon road closures either. You’ll get out of bed at whatever time you want, and contrary to what people say you may adjust really quickly, as you may be a natural night owl. Also, not every night trunk will evolve into a “can you do this, can you do that on the way back” scenario. I know a few lads who have happily done the same trunks night in, night out, for well over 10 years without the job changing, and without extra little jobs to do. Good luck, I hope it goes ok. You’ll just have to put up with knobhead day drivers thinking they own the truck and expecting you to hang their decorations back up in the windscreen, and put their pens/mugs/maps/gloves back into the cubby holes where they left them.

As del949 said, getting to sleep when the sun is banging on the windows is a mare until you get to grips with it but if your house is like ours, the sun is directly on the bedroom window in the afternoons…try waking up after 5hrs kip when the room is probably touching 90 degrees! BUT…if it suits, give it a go…money doesn’t sound that good but it’s better than naff all and could be a step up the ladder to something better in a couple of years…it’s took me 30 years with the same company to get the job I’m on now!!

If you think it will suit you then I’d go for it !!!

I came off tramping and onto nights/ trunking work a few years back and absolutely hated it, lasted about 6 weeks then went back onto the distance/ tramping work. Couldn’t sleep during the daytime, felt like crap and still didn’t see the family. Nights out I got plenty of sleep and more money in my pocket … Horses for courses I guess :wink: