Nightowl "Carlisle"

Anyone stayed in here ?

If so what’s it like ?

Showers any good if they have them and food any good ?

Had a look on there site but it don’t say much :unamused: very Stobart :laughing:

Cheers lads

Probably as it always has been. Filthy showers, filthy toilets and lousy food.

been in to use the loo, its too near home to bother with anything else ,they seem clean enough to me :smiley:

is this a stobart park now like rugby. if so it might get an upgrade.

Cheers lads chance of plan off to Dublin now :slight_smile:

But thanks for getting back to me

hotel magnum:
is this a stobart park now like rugby. if so it might get an upgrade.

i believe so

I’ve always found penrith a lot better.