Night shift Advice

Looking for a little advice work night shift trunking for past 18 months been with the company 13 years
Anyway my family situation has changed somewhat putting massive strain on my family life working
night shift just exacipates this was going to write to my TM he’s based down south
I’m in Scotland to ask to be moved to days

Do company’s have a duty of care to help employees in my situation or ■■■■ it up buttercup
as people like to say on this forum

There is no legal requirement on your employer to accommodate you

Not sure about that Rog, hasn’t the law been changed very recently to allow for flexitime etc if family life requires it.
Or is it just for women?

There is no legal requirement on your employer to accommodate you

This is from Government website
An employer can refuse an application if they have a good business reason for doing so.

To be honest don’t fancy my chances applied for internal job recently day shift just holiday cover didn’t get
It asked why got told couldn’t afford to lose you from your run ie no one wants to do your run
gave it to a guy they have to pay £100 a week more as he needs to camp I didn’t

I have to ask question as I know day runs are getting covered by agency just now If not successful then reluctantly
I’ll have to look elsewhere

Not sure about that Rog, hasn’t the law been changed very recently to allow for flexitime etc if family life requires it.
Or is it just for women?

Workers can ask for flexitime but the employer is under no legal obligation to grant it

but the employer has a legal obligation to consider the request in a “reasonable” manner.
Not sure what that really means.

but the employer has a legal obligation to consider the request in a “reasonable” manner.
Not sure what that really means.

It means the employer has to at-least consider the request before refusing it :wink:

To be honest don’t fancy my chances applied for internal job recently day shift just holiday cover didn’t get
It asked why got told couldn’t afford to lose you from your run ie no one wants to do your run
gave it to a guy they have to pay £100 a week more as he needs to camp I didn’t

I have to ask question as I know day runs are getting covered by agency just now If not successful then reluctantly
I’ll have to look elsewhere

You’ll be lucky too get your shift changed if involves agency drivers,as our t.o bod said we have too keep agency SWEET we can’t afford too loose them or we would have no-one too drive the trucks :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:
They now get guaranteed hours,set times,set days,set runs all too suit them whilst we get what’s left over,
Best of luck with that one

Emails on its way to my TM who I’ve never met in 13 years but my experience dealing with him over the phone seems a
Reasonable guy still expecting a NAW though fingers crossed as I’d be sad to leave as it’s a good Company to work for

Just quote the Human Rights Act he then has to accommodate you :laughing: :laughing:

Just say you’ll reluctantly have to leave unless they play & you might go back to nights in future if your circs change, all the pertinent info on the table Mullins.

Just an update had a meeting with TM, told him the truth if I can’t get a transfer to days might be forced to leave it worked next week my last on nights. Can’t tell you how happy I am about this, admit didn’t realise how much night shift mucks your family life up.

Just an update had a meeting with TM, told him the truth if I can’t get a transfer to days might be forced to leave it worked next week my last on nights. Can’t tell you how happy I am about this, admit didn’t realise how much night shift mucks your family life up.

Glad your sorted …
see not all TM’s are


When asking for something like this off a boss who youve never met via email, it might be a good idea to first change your name to Abdul or Achmed or Mohammed or something. I know someone who got a council house because he rang them and said he was being discriminated against because hes black.(he was white)!. It worked though. He got the keys inside a week.

You can but ask the TM for your shifts to be changed, they can only say no… if they value your work then they will be very accommodating, if they don’t look for something that suits your family life… :grimacing:

Congratulations, nice to hear of a boss who cares about his staff.