nice paintjob

id say the susies are from the rear of the chassis,nice motor apart from the stoneguard and too many outlets on the side pipes,like the paint tho :smiley:

nice :slight_smile:


Careful welshboy…remember what happened when you said you saw someone in Pampolona?? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

God knows where this thread will lead to!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Ok here goes.
totally unprofessional what image does that give to the public about truck drivers, after all vikings were famous for ■■■■■■ and pilageing and a truck like that will get us all tarred with the same brush.
Trucks should be a sensible modern graphic design to look like it’s being operated by a proffesional company. :imp:

Best I can do, is it okay?

Not quite got the hang of posting to your threads yet WelshboyinSpain, :laughing:

Isnt that what we do to prostitutes? Or is that just me :blush: