I’m writing to you from a marketing agency with regards to NHS stop smoking campaigns. We work closely with the Department of Health, NHS and local stop smoking services to help people in different regions around the UK to give up smoking. Our activity is usually focussed in city centres and at shopping malls around the UK, but in May time we are aiming to help haulage drivers in the East Midlands to quit.
As part of this campaign we need to target our activity to the right people and in the right locations. Our client would like to focus their attentions on truckstops in the East Midlands area and as part of this I was hoping everyone could help me out by providing with some feedback to the questions below:
If you are a smoker, would you be interested in help and information on giving up smoking when on the road?
What truckstops in the East Midlands would you recommend for our activity?
In your experience, which truckstops in the East Midlands are the busiest?
What kind of information/help would you like to see with regards to stopping smoking at a truckstop?
I hope none of these questions seem intrusive; but we are keen to gain some insight and make sure we are visiting the right locations and providing information to the correct audience.
It would be much appreciated if you could assist us in our work and help out the NHS Stop Smoking campaign.
If you have any questions or queries for me please don’t hesitate to ask.
as an exsmoker,who gave up feb last year ,oh after my heartattack,thought that was good enough reason to stop and never smoked one since .any way my question is, why your "client "is only interested in the east midlands area for truckstops why not do it properley and go nation wide.and then you can show the graffics off someones heart having a heartattack ive got my very own cd rom of my heart surrgery,and my heart attack,as it happens,and then the correction,when my 2 stents have been inplaced.that will stop anyone smoking,along with all the drugs i am on.
The big problem you’re going to have is that people using truckstops are only passing through, and few can guarantee to come back at any particular time, or even week/month. That renders getting people on any kind of “programme” a non-option.
The other issue is how to bring people in to talk to you in the first place. I know I wouldn’t appreciate being approached during my break time, it’s short enough as it is. Go hassling people, and you’ll simply create animosity to a large extent.
I’d agree that an ongoing and nationwide initiative would be more effective, but appreciate that is probably beyond your remit. The big thing is to avoid being preachy, and making assumptions. Not all smokers actually want to quit, and some (myself included) have good reasons for feeling that way that they may not wish to share with complete strangers.
totally agree,i was ane of those people if i wanted to smoke i will smoke what ever what.and i was not interested in anyone’s survey’s.But lucy never say never, Mark price is the managing director of waitrose,Mark bolland is the newly appointed chief executive of marks & spencerand .And the british heart foundation ,etc .along with" say Will shiers" from truck & driver,and louise cole from whitrose media,place the thought and things might happen.And if you were to say have these survey’s in place that is when you let peoples curiosity take over and they come to you,no in your face marketing.A divers life now is far to stressfull in this day,not only are they negotiating traffic ,we are also negotiating morons that work for the big company’s to,s-bugs,s***s,etc,etc,etc,because in their eyes drivers are 2 a penny,call up agency when drivers fall ill ,and that is that.Now by starting with truck stops,the owners of witch could and should start thinking of making their establishment’s more inviting and relaxing for all,sorry if i went off rail but thats what i think.and smoking the ■■■■■ is the way of chilling out for every one.There needs to be another way i found it at my cost ,but if i can help others i will