Newspaper advert ....Cleastone

Hi all, I am looking to work in HGV, and the above company Clearstone ( Drivers agency) advertise regularly in the papers, they help with the costs, offer low interest loans, and gauruntee a position at the end of the course.

Has anyone heard of them or used them, are they any good…

do you know of any other national company who will put you through, or help you through the tests.

Alternativley, is it better to fund yourself, the main point to come from clearstone is the supposed gaurunteed of a job at the end of the course, when the test is passed.

thanks in advance

:unamused: :confused:

First of all welcome to Trucknet :smiley: :laughing:

Re clearstone if you put clearstone in the search function there are a few replies ffrom when this question as been asked before. looks like a mixed response tbh.

Not had any dealings with them myself though so cant comment first hand

Once again welcome. :laughing: :smiley:

thanks for the quick response Bones, it has given me something to thinkabout…

Welcome to TruckNet UK big ell :smiley:

Welcome to TruckNet UK big ell :smiley:

thanks for the welcome, I think I will email all the big firms in the locality, eg dumfries carlisle edinburgh, does anyone know if they take on and train up drivers, I have my medical, all I need is through the tests…lol

Again I’ve heard of Clearstone but have had no dealings with them so can’t comment but good luck with your future training big ell :slight_smile:

clearstone are not what they make out. They mearly are a middle man who gets you work with a local company, adds there bit on and costs you more. When i did my training, my price was 300 pound cheaper than the other poor guy i was training with who booked through clearstone. He was gutted. I would find out who they will put you with,then ring up the company. Bet you your save yourself a fortune mate.

I phoned Clearstone when I started looking into it - the big sales pitch put me off, along with it being obvious they were farming out the training !

Not wanting to be a ‘kill-joy’ or ‘pee on your chips’, but…

…there’s a saying “If something seems to good to be true, it probably is!”

…also remember “You don’t get owt for nowt!”

Not related to the above question but I was witness to the truth of that first statement today! :confused:

Welcome to Trucknet big ell :sunglasses:

I think given the responses it might be worth doing as much research as you can. With determination you will get your training but try to be aware of all your options. :wink:

Another option would be to work for driver hire as a van driver till you get your HGV. With most of there branches now they put £4 towards your training with each completed shift you do for them. £4 = 1 point, 192 points gets you enough ponts to take your HGV lessons.

Another option would be to work for driver hire as a van driver till you get your HGV. With most of there branches now they put £4 towards your training with each completed shift you do for them. £4 = 1 point, 192 points gets you enough ponts to take your HGV lessons.

thanks for that , but I am 40 miles from the nearest branch… :cry:
good shout though