Hi all just thought you might want to look at some new boring trucks for a change anybody else got any pics.These pics can be old but the truck has to be new or newish.This one had done delivery milage of 500km’s the trailer has done about 1000 km’s and its got a nice scratch on it if you look closely(drivers side top above the drive axle) oh well not to worry ,it will not show once its gets dirty and nobody washes it.

Here is another two new motors on 1/8/93 that is me(left) and my mate David (Bubble) who worked on Dockspeed for 15 years. Paul

nice DAF pics mate.
nice pic of you too :blush: squeaky truck, squeaky car, squeaky jeans, squeaky trainers! you know im only kidding :wink:

HI all hope you like these pics? god i have to drive some old rubbish nowadays(not). See how we look after our new trailers.Paul

Hi all,some more newbies from Dockspeed(this one was theirs).Paul

havn’t seen a dockspeed truck for yonks…they use to come in our place yrs ago…

Big Gaz:
havn’t seen a dockspeed truck for yonks…they use to come in our place yrs ago…

I think they were bought out by Norfolk Line,then disappeared into oblivion.

I think they were bought out by Norfolk Line,then disappeared into oblivion.

like most norfolk line wagons now on the m6 trying to catch the belfast ferry on a friday!.. :laughing:

HI all, they were brought out by norfolk line then he restarted a few years ago with just trailers being pulled by subbies.Paul

I work for Milbank trucks.
Heres a photo of the second truck they had. Fleet no: V2 fresh out the paint shop and ready for the road!

and heres V100, the latest rigid “lorry loader” to go into the fleet. It has a 65t per metre crane. How the times have changed…

We have a predominantly Volvo fleet and these two were only 1 day old when the pic was taken.

By the by: V1 was a 6x2 F7 rigid and is being fully restored. When shes done ill post some pics.

actualy i think the po daf looks quite smart

Big Gaz:
havn’t seen a dockspeed truck for yonks…they use to come in our place yrs ago…

wierd that! sat behind a Dockspeed this week and remember thinking how i hadn’t seen one for ages.

Used to remember Dockspeed motors whan we used to load with them at Onken Dairy at Mooers.
Then it used to be the mad dash back to our place at Loxley to get it all offloaded again and back out again.

Hi jase,bet you could not keep up with one or two of the drivers :open_mouth: Paul

No Paul,i couldn’t,had they been doctored by any chance?
My old M.A.N. used to struggle a bit at times,nice thing about Onken wa sthey always used to have stuff for the driver on the back.I wonder why British firm’s never thought about you like the Europeans?

Hi Jase,Got any pics of your M.A.N i would like to see it.Who did you work for or was it your truck?and did you go to the Mulhiem onken factory?Paul

Yes,i’ll find some out for the weekend,i used to work for Blakes Chilled Distruibution(continental),out of Loxley and Alcester.
I never went to Mulheim as i think it had shut down and moved to Mooers by the time i started at Blakes.

Hi Jase, Can’t wait to see those, i thought you may have worked for blakes,because your location is in the mids.I think the mulhiem factory was better and more friendly but you are right about the freebies from the factory, i wondered how much yoghurt they used to think we ate or drunk because we used to get shed loads.Express ditribution/coldstrem at Hemel Hempstead used to be the destination before blakes took the contract.Anyway has anybody else got any pics of new trucks? come on lads and lasses.Paul