New rule for pedestrians crossing the road

I just saw this posted to a group i belong to on faceache (yes i know) but it made me realise i hadnt thought of this.

Can I please point out that those of us working Assistance Dogs and Guide dogs have our dogs trained to wait at kerbs until NO cars are present. Our dogs won’t cross with us until cars drive on past. This new rule means drivers will stop and try to wave us across. Please be aware we won’t cross the road and you will only hold us up. Best to drive on past if u see a vested working dog knowing this is more helpful to us. Thank you.

paragraph copied and pasted from the group

That’s very interesting and useful. Thank you

Interesting thought but i doubt very much anyone will stop anyway in this selfish world

Drivers would only stop if the pedestrian was at a marked crossing point where the pedestrian has priority, such as a zebra crossing, and if I remember correctly, guide dogs are trained to recognise and use these whenever possible

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Terry Cooksey:
Drivers would only stop if the pedestrian was at a marked crossing point where the pedestrian has priority, such as a zebra crossing, and if I remember correctly, guide dogs are trained to recognise and use these whenever possible

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thats what i think it means but you make a good point

Terry Cooksey:
Drivers would only stop if the pedestrian was at a marked crossing point where the pedestrian has priority, such as a zebra crossing, and if I remember correctly, guide dogs are trained to recognise and use these whenever possible

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Lol… where I live they don’t like stopping at zebra crossings let alone someone crossing at a junction, we’ve had so many near misses and people actually hit on the crossing, nothing seems to get done about it!!!